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Everything posted by UgliBiBagli

  1. overwriting existing start_logo-e with tool would do just fine, no? xd
  2. emmmm... he just wants to change the logo though, nothing more than l2tool and photoshop/gimp is required :x
  3. because interlude client doesnt share such information for nonparty/clan members xP @siktitan DetailStatusWnd is the window of your characters stats, the line you are looking for is located in TargetStatusWnd class... duh
  4. never heard of that software, could you elaborate on what ant bot is? :poker face: oh you are also running seven sings? is that like karaoke event or something?
  5. did you see any change at all though? because literally that one line defines whats displayed under characters nicknames in target window whether you edit it right or wrong it should affect the thing thats displayed
  6. it can be done by editing one line of the code in TargetStatusWnd class (this is interlude code but it should look similar in epilogue) RankName = GetUserRankString(info.nUserRank); change to RankName = GetClassStr(info.nClassID);
  7. is that the god of optimization we were all looking for?
  8. this post makes me wonder if you are asking from devs or players position oO if the latter - no, its not possible unless you: a ) somehow get inside servers database b ) see any of the bosses die and manually set its tod :poker face:
  9. As i already suggested, theres a function for displaying map centered at some specific point. In clean client its meant to be used for displaying map centered at players/pt members/quest/cured weapons locations. By modifying use of that function for OnShow/OnButtonClick events you could display any part of the map as the default, sadly theres nothing said about how the boundaries are handled. Eventually you could mess with mouse x y coords in window handle, dunno if its worth the effort though xd
  10. regarding the map, i dont really think theres other solution than replacing map texture, as the window that displays it is simply loading entire map texture which then gets other elements added (cursed weapons, party members) MiniMapWnd class doesnt contain any information about the "dragging" functionality and its limits however.... i guess you could display the desired location with this function static function AdjustMapView (string a_ControlID, Vector Loc, optional bool a_ZoomToTownMap, optional bool a_UseGridLocation) {} and then skip the clicks on the window by editing interface.xdat (dunno if that would actually work xd)
  11. bind "show particles" to any key in user.ini
  12. possible, one of the latest interlude srvrs (l2nobility was the name i think) had it up and running
  13. great share, now im waiting for someone to upload preinstaled versions :v
  14. i dont like how the L2 logo covers that statues face :x beside that its looking really decent
  15. arent you using different file for the macro icons? so icon info parsed from HandleMacroList function is different than the one your client tries to display
  16. hover over his signature, little X button appears in the top-right corner, click it - ignore krauser12345 signature = profit
  17. ehhh, time goes by so fast czemu nie odpisujesz na skype? ;_;
  18. it seems that testing goes well then... major issue already reported XD
  19. @vampir tak troche abstrachujac od tematu, ale hex edit czy jestes w posiadaniu jakichs bardziej wyrafinowanych narzedzi?
  20. and im just gonna wait for that thing to have decent scripting engine (kneel before tower, plebs!)
  21. vouch for this ^ function CheckServerHost () { local string ServerHost; GetINIString("URL","ServerAddr",ServerHost,"l2.ini"); if ( ServerHost != "auth.rpg-club.eu" ) { SetUIState("LoadingState"); } Me.KillTimer(123); }
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