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Everything posted by UgliBiBagli

  1. remove the handles instead of altering the anchor on parent object - which in your case is the entire hud container
  2. FlightShipCtrlWnd, FlightTransformCtrlWnd
  3. interface.xdat (might be also interface.u)
  4. then make them send paremeteres specific for your -custom- request so its gonna me omitted by the actual handlers such ugly solution, but would work for sure xD
  5. use one of the events that are already available via the interfaces api and are rarely (or not at all) used on interlude (most probably we are not talking about low rate server here, so maybe manor?) [not a server guy, im just assuming its all easy and doable on java] on the server side make talking to the npc serve client with whatever packet you have chosen
  6. if you want to make it only client side then dunno but you could try making the server launch different event to be handled by client
  7. wasnt it "particles per second" or something along those lines?
  8. http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/index.html http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/Article.asp?Name=Looping the fuck is powershell even used for?
  9. emmm... yes because setting it to 1 will do exactly the thing you are trying to avoid - playing it once TRY 0 or -1, maybe that gonna be interpreted as endless loop (probably not) your best bet to make it actually endless would be putting it on a timer with the delay equal to playtime
  10. perhaps final function SetLoopCount (int a_LoopCount) {}
  11. because its the sad truth about this community, bunch of ungrateful money thirsty leechers xd
  12. i love how people just straight out try to steal shit and ask for help with it XD
  13. sane person would never put it there xd interface.u
  14. please dont make me quote myself 2nd time :x regarding the tooltips im sorry to say but you probably wont be able to do it yourself http://prntscr.com/f3sheh
  15. i wouldnt bother posting if this section was named differently
  16. dunno about h5 on interlude you could just remove eula.dat in system folder
  17. i bet l2balance is going to be a great server
  18. so this guy literally asked for someone to remove creators copyright right after admitting he is too fucking lazy to do it himself and didnt even bother trying? i can see why this community is getting worse every day
  19. dont generate mipmaps when exporting texture
  20. use alpha channel and dont forget to export as DXT3+
  21. i like how your flag says usa but the gibberish in your posts look worse than google translate
  22. iirc oper_type 3 makes it toggle and extra_eff 1 makes it debuff, just dont mess up your skillgrp formatting btw can someone ban ganja monkey in this section?
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