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Everything posted by UgliBiBagli

  1. looks decent
  2. this looks like one of savo's interfaces, i saw it being shared on various forums, all you have to do is find it xd
  3. where have you seen that? ;) and the answer is partywnd script obviously
  4. funny how you call yourself 21stCentury and your promo looks like it was made in late 90's top kek
  5. client? sure, client development? wouldnt say so
  6. use their npcgrp, also this is question is not related to client development...
  7. That website is almost as bad as the color composition in first post. Feels like the guy responsible for its creation kinda lost the idea about the product he tries to develop (or maybe it was his idea to make it shit lol). Site is way too flashy and pointy, its elements are badly toned and placed. You can barely read through it, not to mention actually SEARCHing for anything. Nice idea with terrible execution, so typical...
  8. general string is in fact taken from sysmsg (id 2329, 2330) you wont be able to edit it there though, because values are assigned by statuswnd script
  9. why did half of my post get eaten? ;_; if you want to change the color for only one type, then you should let it always parse color values (so assigned colors are ok for every chat type) and overwrite color only if type == chat_tell heres the enum of all chat types enum EChatType { CHAT_NORMAL, CHAT_SHOUT, CHAT_TELL, CHAT_PARTY, CHAT_CLAN, CHAT_SYSTEM, CHAT_USER_PET, CHAT_GM_PET, CHAT_MARKET, CHAT_ALLIANCE, CHAT_ANNOUNCE, CHAT_CUSTOM, CHAT_L2_FRIEND, CHAT_MSN_CHAT, CHAT_PARTY_ROOM_CHAT, CHAT_COMMANDER_CHAT, CHAT_INTER_PARTYMASTER_CHAT, CHAT_HERO, CHAT_CRITICAL_ANNOUNCE }; also let me know about the outcome you achieve : )
  10. and this is exactly what i was talking about xd omit parsing color values from the parameter received and assign your own values basing on the chattype
  11. interlude passes the color values in the parameter along with the text itself and chattype - so you can simply omit read of those colors from the paramater received and assign whatever color you like basing on the chattype
  12. actually you dont have to mess with the script file at all privateshopwnd takes that string from sysstring-e.dat so i would suggest you one of these options: 1) edit sysstring file and change id 134 - Adena - to the text you want BUT this probably will also replace Adena string in inventory and some other places - so i rather wouldnt do that 2) edit sysstring file and add your currency name for one of the IDs that arent used, then edit interface.xdat and change id to the one you just created http://prntscr.com/crhaj3
  13. yup
  14. Answer will vary depending on the actual effect you want to achieve. So if you are expecting any help just ask the correct question. Because asking about binding jump to spacebar doesnt seem like the right question to ask... dont you think so?
  15. seriously though... this guy keeps bumping this topic and i still cant understand what he is asking for
  16. Why is everybody here such cancer? (btw technically its wireframe not wh :x) First and foremost, dont buy that crap posted above. Secondly, this is the most basic level of client editing i can imagine, if anyone ever ask for money for it he should straight out die... All you have to do is open user.ini with l2 fileedit and bind rmode 1 (render mode, basic command for unreal engine) to any of the available keys and you are good to go. To make it more fancy you could create two aliases so you can toggle it on and off with only one key, it would look like this: Aliases[30]=(Command="rmode 1 | set input NumPad1 wireoff",Alias="wireon") Aliases[31]=(Command="rmode 5 | set input NumPad1 wireon",Alias="wireoff")
  17. looks kinda lame, nice share nonetheless
  18. you cant even make proper presentation...
  19. doable, removing anchoring of that window + changing few propertis so its draggable would do the job
  20. original guide has images
  21. both advext and your server are garbage 2016 and advext is still struggling with SS lags if they arent made infinite full of shit workaround spellforce - delivers elemental seeds instead of actual spellforce effect. fun fact, on advext you can cast 80lvl bubbles using certain combinations of seeds - RETAIL EXPERIENCE symbol of noise cannot be dropped on selected location - drops on the caster instead LOL FEx32 packet is nonexistent vanganth was the only one providing that retail feeling in his releases
  22. just make sure you are using correct DXT formatting (you can check it with l2tool btw) when importing modified textures to existing .utx simple modifications to the layout of interface can bo done in interface.xdat using xdateditor
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