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Everything posted by UgliBiBagli

  1. ZoneTitleWnd static function SetTextColor (string ControlName, Color a_Color)
  2. >"java help" >client dev section pick one
  3. *just a wild guess as im not using h5 client* The recolor you are talking about isnt related to texture itself but a sprite emitter. If it was interlude then lineageeffect.u would be the right place to change it (file name might be different for h5 client).
  4. neither this guy or anybody else :c i made it exclusively for my party
  5. informations about macro are stored on the server thus if you are using additional icons that server isnt aware of it cant sent you the correct data back
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/204758-h5-patch-talismans-skills-into-player-heads/
  7. no, because each call to OnScreenMessage wipes previous message that was displayed thus only the last one appears on screen
  8. what? why would a guy thats already re-sharing something get the credits? lmao
  9. Because these informations are stored on the server, it has no knowledge of new icons you've added. To make it work you need both server and client side modification.
  10. as for a something that people dont display interest in your topic has got plenty of views ;)
  11. 210 posts across the entire forum? thats really impressive lmao
  12. because gg has nothing to do with it
  13. Even if you create the structure in xdat, it wont have any functionality. So instead of making it yourself i would rather suggest you to look out for ready solution - theres plenty of them shared even on this forum.
  14. this... just lol http://prntscr.com/dfdipk
  15. ofc im not really into server development, but i dont think its doable server side :/ to be fair, you didnt ask what kind of solution you are looking for
  16. sorry, but this is not going to happen :/
  17. ofc, just gotta add some tweaks in tooltip class, you can even make it rainbow :^)
  18. client side? cant be done, as you are not aware of whats the damage of other players (could be done only for your char) server side? i guess its been done already (saw it on h5 javas i believe) if i remember correctly you could shift+click the mob and select agro tab which showed the damage each player dealt and agro it generated
  19. interlude? no, your client doesnt get such information thus theres nothing to display sublimity is using classic client with "gameplay downgraded" to interlude, not the other way around
  20. is that guy 10 or fucking retarded? reading his posts makes me actually feel like im dealing with a person that has underdeveloped brain... 5 new topics every day and each one of them is bullshit
  21. so he hired attorneys instead of speaking out? thats cool
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