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Everything posted by sepultribe

  1. ο καλυτερος σερβερ ναι χαχα με admins που εχουν μεινει στην ιστορια ως οι πιο πουλημενοι ολων των εποχων, και απο τα χειροτερα community επισης καργα στα μαλακισμενα να βριζουν μανες και να στελνουν καρκινους δεξια και αριστερα.
  2. 737 or 746? vanilla or patched?
  3. unreal editor, sound browser. uax is basically wav mono pcm low freq audio files packed in unreal container. https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Importing_Sounds
  4. Server looks very clean, but why r u combining high and low rate concepts? Players who like rates up to x5 wouldn't accept a NPC buffer that easy. You are basically destroying buffers even more than NCSOFT did by making L2 so buff dependant :P By buffing the pets you are also destroying the uniqueness of each summoner class, with mana potions you are destroying SE and EE. 6-75 is a considerable time where supports will never get parties. So it will be mainly DD classes, which in turn makes it a PVP server, with low rates, which doesn't make sense :(
  5. thnx, if you are talking about those russian forums with manuals for script TXTs, I have seen them and they either lacked info or even had some wrong info too, that is why I made this thread. It's 2018 and still basic things like this are not clarified completely for newbies.
  6. xdat editor what do u want to exactly?
  7. there is a l2j lucera share somewhere in this forum, did u look at it?
  8. I doubt the HWID is generated through (just) the m/b identifier, usually many of the pc components are probed for their fingerprint.
  9. καλημέρα στην όμορφη χίο το ψήνει και από τις δυό πλευρές λες?
  10. its not ready for live, especially low rates, if only for pure pvp server you might get away with it but it still needs work if you want things to function correctly.
  11. hello, what is wrong with it and what pack are you using?
  12. sorry I was reading it as client (of the server) and rates (of the server) and it sounded a bit weird :P
  13. great work m8, although I don't like servers with full item donations, but it's not your fault, funcionality was built-in already :P
  14. +1 for archive viewing, makes a long thread viewable on 1 page with simple text, very convenient.
  15. Hola :D amazing work congrats! +∞
  16. Το Eclipse απο μονο του "κοιταει" στο JRE installation, πρεπει εσυ να του δειξεις που ειναι το JDK (ελπιζω να το εχεις εγκαταστησει). Θα πρεπει να πας Window ~> Preferences ~> Java ~> Installed JREs και να το αλλαξεις απο το JRE στο JDK. Ενδεχεται να χρειαστει να βαλεις και το tools.jar απο το JDK/lib φακελο στα Global Entries του Ant.
  17. Αν θες μπορω να σου δειξω πως να το κανεις μονος σου, ευκολο ειναι.
  18. what you need is the chance to be 0% for normal scrolls. EnchantOptionChanceScroll = TrueEnchantChanceScrollNormal = 0
  19. o pio efkolos tropos einai an exeis kalo pc na anoigeis ta 2 mesw vmware me tin xamiloteri analisi kai low details, gia buffs kai autofollow mia xara doulevei etsi. o diskolos einai na crackareis to dll pou dimiourgei afto to orio ston client.
  20. yes I didn't mean device driver, meant a "3d graphics API" driver, as even the filename implies (Direct3d driver). It's the exact version of the D3D library the developers of L2 targeted isnt't it? I have seen people call them drivers for the post dx8 versions of the dlls (d3dx9_xx/d3dx11_xx)
  21. ogg.dll is just the library that enables playback of OGG Vorbis encoded audio files by Lineage2. What do you mean you want to put a patcher for arabic language inside? What is the entry.dll? Are you sure you know what you want to be done?
  22. You might have got a HWID ban which can be calculated based on many parameters, both software and hardware. Try reinstalling windows, using a clean MAC address and connecting thru a free proxy/vpn, there are many, and see if u can get in.
  23. Inside the vanganth shared pack is a txt that says he used to sell a custom regarding sub stacking. There is even an option inside the config file that is for supporting that option. If you can find someone with that addon, you can downgrade his c6 to c4.
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