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Everything posted by sepultribe

  1. flip that around and you have your answer kid
  2. some ppl have been around for even longer than that, no need to boast about it
  3. https://mega.nz/#F!GWBSjAKK!u1hRLGHdvQooUTAVRXE4jQ client modding folder, try the file editor with grand crusade setting, it has been fixed.
  4. is this custom or copied from somewhere?
  5. I guess he means for each correction in the code aka bug fix? he will send an immediate payment. But I think he doesn't even know what he wants in truth.
  6. for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b /a:-d "%~dp0"`) do ( set "_ext=" if /I %%~xf == .dat set _ext=1 if /I %%~xf == .ini set _ext=1 if defined _ext l2encdec -e413 %%f "%~dp0enc\%%f" ) yeah most probably, this is the version that accepts only DATs and INIs, u can expand it to more extensions simpy by adding more ifs
  7. for %%f in (*.dat) do l2encdec -e413 %%f "%~dp0enc\%%f" I ll post another one where u can specify which extensions to skip if u dont want only dats
  8. oh sorry forgot, just use double quotes "%~dp0enc\%%f"
  9. Unreal Units Degrees 8192 45 16384 90 32768 180 65536 360 Yeah it's orientation or yaw or rotation or whatever you want to call it. to place encoded files in a folder named "enc" below the folder that the batch file resides just change the do l2encdec -e413 %%f to do l2encdec -e413 %%f %~dp0enc\%%f batch files expect the folders to exist they can't create them automatically otherwise it will throw an error
  10. phone screenshot in 2019 lol anyway u got (7?) crashed threads it seems, can't see very well, post your server specs.
  11. decrypt all files in folder: for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "%~dp0"`) do l2encdec -d %%f encrypt all files in folder: for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "%~dp0"`) do l2encdec -e413 %%f ps: we can change this to only output to encyrpted/decrypted folders, cos right now it will throw everything in the same one ps2: l2encdec has to be either in the same folder as the batch file or inside system32
  12. a batch file that will encrypt/decrypt all dat files inside a folder can be made, if that's what u mean by automation tell me if u need help with that
  13. I used to think that the difference between these two was the respawn time calculation but I don't think that's the case anymore.
  14. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/217073-vanganth-source-code/
  15. I believe its possible for russian localized servers to have achieved those numbers, the community is big and they are free to play so why not.
  16. hello your community is big? which one do you mean? there's a shared l2off interlude pack which was the gold standard about 3-4 years ago, has source code with it so u can do changes if u know how l2j is not recommended for low rate setup and all that it needs for machine a vps will be enough for u, they all oversell so doesn't matter choose one which is close to you
  17. smallfont/largefont glyph files and the UI utx of your client
  18. u have the territory which is a 3d space defined by multiple x/y/z(min&max) coordinates, at least 3 are needed. and yeah I guess with this tool you will be able to add coordinates inside the brackets of the territory field
  19. this is very good indeed, don't have any rep to give atm, will do next days u deserve it
  20. click on the picture to go to the mega.nz folder
  21. try this one https://mega.nz/#!XXAGEIZK!KForEHAMNszr9jHYe6RzZGPyaIX9pmdz2GctkYRp2BM
  22. You are clearly very good at your work, I'm not hating or sth, it's just the art style that puts me off personally. Looking forward for the vintage l2 armor set version)
  23. Remove the need to spam topics. A registered member should be able to read a guide no matter what. You can make it as download links are only shown to members above a certain postcount (10/20/whatever). The current system is retarded and makes people spam with no end. Tell me your thoughts. ps: I see no forum suggestions, issues, problems category and so posted here
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