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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. Hey miss, keep it up!
  2. though something being 'retail' doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing, i.e. dual boxes
  3. Are CH doors working fine? nice share!
  4. Aww, what a butthurt little bitch, cmon! ain't my fault that you take everything literally. The point is: 1- There are both useless and useful comments on many old topics 2- Comments can be useful whether they're related to the server or not, there is literally no reason to delete them 3- You indeed say that if a topic is old it should be deleted. 4- Bump button literally puts your server in the first place of private servers list. It's up to you whether you wanna keep the post updated or not. If you bump your server even if it's old it means that it is either online or gonna re-open soon, so 'offline servers' will always be on the bottom of the list, at which point noone is gonna see them, so, again, no point on deleting old posts. 5- Go touch grass
  5. Can confirm, he can't even think of a name for his own server
  6. you should rather learn general programming skills, try to find a job with them, then start working on L2 as a hobby, otherwise that's a very fucking stupid question lol
  7. That's false, while it may be true that some old comments are useless, there are also old comments that are really useful, whether they're related to said server or not. Also, saying that 'if a topic is old it should be deleted' is stupid af, since that's the reason why the 'bump' button exists. And i doubt you'd be retarded enough to be looking for servers that opened 5 years ago and haven't been bumped ever since. Negative comments are allowed, as long as it's not just trashtalking bullshit but a constructive comment.
  8. you should try to learn how to make a topic, wtf
  9. dunno what's the logic here, you want to join a server so your PC plays for you and you do nothing but scratch your balls? or is it that you want to have more gear than other people so you can feel like you are a better player? why not play a cookie clicker instead? lol
  10. there should probably be a pinned topic with those links, in case you wanna go ahead and do that, either way thanks
  11. not really all you need is here: https://github.com/acmi/xdat_editor and https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Two/SiteMap.html it ain't hard to do but since not much people have experience working with interfaces, i doubt anyone is willing to do it for free
  12. Rapier and crossbow animations don't come with H5 animations by default, i had to manually import missing animations from higher chronicles to h5. What you can try, for example, is adding 1HS animations as Rapier animations instead (it'll look clunky, but it's something). What's important about L2 Editor is that you can see the names of the animations on the left panel, as i've shown you on the previous image (this one) that way you can see which animations you can use in order to make lineagewarrior.int work properly. Anyway, if you wanna make it work with all weapons, simply copy/paste Dual Swords animations and use them as Dual Daggers, same with Rapiers and One-Handed swords, and Bows and Crossbows, and if it doesn't meet your quality standards, sadly, you'll have to either import all animations from higher chronicles and re-do their AnimNotifies by hand (which might take months to do, i'd say it's not even worth it), or pay someone to do it for you, i'd suggest you to buy @NevesOma's animation packs in that case, since he did an amazing work with those files In case you wanna go ahead and import animations you should probably learn: -basic 3dsmax -how to import .psa and .psk files into unreal editor and make them work with L2, for which you'll need to buy Gildor's tools, you can find details here: https://www.gildor.org/smf/index.php?topic=155.0 -how to add missing AnimNotify scripts to your unreal engine -how to add AnimNotifies to all animations (this is the most tedious part, which takes the most time, so you'll probably wanna learn how to make macros with AHK as well) overall it's a hard ass work and it's probably not even worth it if you don't plan on re-selling those files btw, what did you mean by 'do you know what I have to edit for the robe and heavy animations for kamaels?' ? i'm guessing you mean how to add robe and heavy armors for kamaels? cuz animations don't depend on your armor if you wanna add heavy and robe for kamael, you can't sadly, since koreans didn't even create those armors, so you can't even import them from other chronicles, unless you wanna make your own meshes with blender or 3dsmax
  13. Download L2Editor then open it, go to Animations, and then open, for example, Kamael.ukx so yo'll be able to see the animation names like this: that way you'll know which animations you can or can't use. Then once you open LineageWarrior.int you'll notice that there's an array of animations for each character [0]= hand (no weapon equipped) [1]= 1HS weapons [2]= 2HS weapons [3]= Dual Swords [4]= Pole weapons [5]= Bows [6]= array number 6 is unused on all races, and you shouldn't add any animations to it [7]= dual fists [8]= crossbow [9]= rapiers [10]= dual daggers Ancient Swords use the same animations as 2HS weapons That said, you can now add animations to all classes, you can even add rapier and crossbow animations for human classes, for example. So you just need to add the missing animations to each character, and remember to always respect the file's structure (always put dual dagger animations after rapier animations) not the best explaination but i think this should be enough for you to figure it out
  14. You can simply add missing animations in LineageWarrior.int, inside your system folder. For example, kamaels and orcs' animation set number 10 is missing (you'll figure it out once you open the file). you can simply copy/paste MFighter's animations and change '_MFighter' to '_MOrc' on the animation names, for example, and it should work fine, but still some animations won't be played, you'll have to try each animation one by one on all races if you wanna get it working the right way, it's a huge ass work though, so if you wanna try it, it'll take you some time. DM me if you need any help with it though.
  15. If i protect a file with this service, can someone with the same service un-protect it? (i guess since you can 'lock' them, locked files can't be opened again?) GL with your sales!
  16. well, you can always try to just edit the geodata instead of generating a new one (generating a new geodata is way easier, but the result might be a bit clunky), i'd recommend you to use mapconv and try editing it with G3DEditor afterwards or something https://github.com/madyanov/l2mapconv-public https://github.com/kickdev/g3d-editor if you're not experienced on this stuff you might wanna completely skip this and either pay someone or use another giran map, cuz it's really time consuming i think i have some kind of pathnode generator somewhere on my computer, tell me if you want it, good luck with this!
  17. since it has a simillar shape to the normal tower, why not try default geodata? or is it giving you problems? or try generating one yourself with geoeditor or something, i don't think anyone has ever made a geodata for this one
  18. Honestly i think you're overcomplicating stuff. With the same example you're giving me, i can justify that my dog is actually a 4D interdimensional omnipotent being who created the multiverse, everything you're saying does not make any sense because of the simple fact that you say that we won't ever understand X, and then you proceed to explain X, even though you just said that we won't ever understand it. You're asserting the existence of a great creator, saying we won't ever be able to comprehend it, then assigning various characteristics to it (for example, it being interdimensional, omnipotent, omniscient or whatever anyone wants to assign to whatever deity). So i think we might have been discussing over different definitions of what a god is. Here are the literal definitions: So imma put it this way: There is no single good reason to justify or believe in the existence of any god(s), deity(s), or 'great creator(s)' (based on the definitions above). either way thanks for keeping it up, it's an interesting topic (even though it may not be the place for it, but who cares) By the way, i haven't ever said anything about any kind of science explaining any kind of supernatural thing, i'm just applying common sense to things, and so far the supernatural hasn't met its burden of proof. Same rule can be applied to anything, 'there is no good reason to assert or believe in anything until proven otherwise'. Also, about a deity caring or not wether we debate about them or not, i don't think anyone should care about if a "great creator" would care about humans' opinions, because a great creator hasn't been proven to exist in the first place. And this also applies to the termites analogy.
  19. What if you die and it turns out to be that Zeus is real? or Rah, or Allah or whatever, again, that's not a justification to believe in any god
  20. I understood your point about the termites. Let's acknowledge for a second that life is indeed an 'endless chaotic recursion' (i don't think that way though), now, why would anyone assume that whatever puts this 'chaotic recursion' in order is a great creator? that's what i'm trying to understand, it all sounds like 'i don't know what this is or how it works, hence, great creator', correct me if i'm wrong. you can't either prove nor disprove any of the 5.000 documented gods, and that doesn't really make any of them real, that's not a good reason to believe in any god, and also faith, or 'hope' (as you call it) is completely useless when trying to find out the truth, since i could use faith or hope to justify pretty much anything
  21. The point i'm trying to make here is, there is literally no reason to believe that there is such thing as an interdimensional being, and even less if there are no indications nor proof of it, though i see where you're coming from. I personally would rather say 'i don't know' before assuming stuff i don't know, so i'm genuinely curious as to why would anyone believe there is such thing as a creator, whatever religion it is from, or if it is from a religion at all
  22. Then whatever you say about that matter is just an assumption and there is, again, no good reason to believe that things are what you say they are. Something being undeniable doesn't isn't automatically true So, once again, if you say that there is such thing as a great creator, then proceed to say that it is 'outside of space, omniscient, omnipotent' or whatever you wanna assign to it, why would you believe in it even though you don't have a good reason to believe in it?
  23. Ah, mine is h5, for some reason i tought you were working with H5 too. It probably won't work for classic. I don't have any experience with classic though, so i can't help. gl!
  24. i can open it properly with fileedit, which chronicle were you using again?
  25. I think we all agree that there are thing we might never get to explain, though there is literally no good reason to assume, out of nowhere, without any kind of evidence whatsoever, that there is such thing as a 'great creator' (the argument that a creation is evidence for a creator has been debunked for a long ass time now) You're just making up a random deity, saying that we can't possibly understand how it 'works', and start stacking up characteristics on it afterwards, it kinda doesn't make any sense. I know you're a smart guy so i suppose we'd agree on the statement that there's no good reason to believe in something until it's proven otherwise, so where are you getting all this stuff about a great creator from?
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