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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. Yup, it's just that usually, from experience, 'personal definitions' tend to bend "debates" until everyone agrees on a certain definition, so it's good to avoid the topic of personal definitions and just go with literal definitions instead, it's a nice trick to avoid all the "spirituality" or paranormal bullshit xD
  2. though your definition is alright, there's one single literal and universal definition for spirituality, which is: "the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things." so the point is, spirituality itself doesn't really mean anything 'till human 'spirits' or 'souls' are proven to exist, same with w/e religious/theistic bullshit. To summarize, there is no good reason to believe in the supernatural until proven otherwise.
  3. give more details about the mods that you're using on your client, are you using custom character animations of some sort? are those skills custom or default ones? did you touch anything in skillgrp.dat?
  4. I tought you were working with H5 as well for some reason, that's weird xD, i was wondering why did gloves work fine for me, either way gl!
  5. Here's the problem. Your mesh doesn't have any attachment sockets. (the mesh from the left is a mesh which works properly, the one on the right is your mesh) Do something, re-export and re-import the mesh you want to edit (this is just to reset the lod levels to default), after you import the mesh, open any other character package, for example, Elf.ukx, then select a _g mesh (_g is for gloves), then click on Copy Mesh Properties after that, select your own mesh and click on Paste Mesh Properties In order to follow these steps you'll need to use L2Editor, since it's the only editor i know of that can open .ukx files from the game. Either way, if this doesn't work for you, just add the socket manually, and set the proper rotation on Mesh > Rotation, as well as the Translation in Mesh > Translation. You shouldn't need to touch anything related to LODs in order for this to work.
  6. you'd need to buy gildor's tool in order to work with animations https://www.gildor.org/smf/index.php?topic=133.0
  7. try deleting LOD 1, 2 and 3, and then set LOD 0's MeshSectionMethod to SinglePiece or RigidOnly, should work fine
  8. I know, i meant that i don't really know where to find it.
  9. Don't really know what's the sound you're talking about, but to find the sounds of a monster you just need to search for it's template ID, then go to npcgrp.dat, look for that ID, then look at the mesh, afterwards you'll need to open the .ukx package with L2Editor according to the mesh you're looking for, there you can find the sounds in the Animations > Notifies tab
  10. just use these two, open MonSound.uax with L2Editor, change the sounds you wanna change, save and replace MonSound.uax, and then encrypt it with mxcencdec, then you're ready to go
  11. Yup, indeed, a good solution would be to change that directly in the mob's AnimNotifies, but since he specifically explained that he wanted those sounds to be muted, and that he doesn't care about other sounds, i just offered this simple solution cuz i doubt he wants to learn how to set up an unrealed to work properly with animated meshes, notifies and stuff
  12. it's not really necessary to rebuild the entire npc(s) though, at least for what he wants to do, just working on .usx is an easier solution in this case
  13. You can use these two to open/import/encrypt the files, you'd just need to extract the sounds with UTPT or whatever in order to edit them with audacity or whatever, then re-import them
  14. which sound do you want to remove exactly? shouldn't be hard, you just need to import a silent .wav fine into your .usx files
  15. sorry, i forgot the most important part, after you save the .utx file, you need to encrypt it in order to use it in the game's client, either way it won't work and you'll get the message that 'files are corrupted'. you just need to drag and drop the .utx file on this .exe, and it'll be ready to go with this method you can also just use the whole icon.utx file from a higher chronicle and adapt it to lower chronicles
  16. download either of these editors (the 2nd one has a lot more uses than the first one, but it's a bit heavier) then just open it, click on view > texture browser then click on file > import for the icons you've shown, make sure you select DTX3, not DTX1, either way they'll lose their transparency
  17. any image to use as a reference?
  18. even though i despise any kind of automated farming system, gotta admit that this looks absolutely fucking amazing, good luck with your sales!
  19. i don't seem to have any problem with it, maybe just duplicate an existing shader?
  20. yes, it does work the same, just make sure that you don't mark the 'Generate MipMaps' checker (or whatever it was called) when you import the texture inside an UTX, either way the logo will look like shit when you enable the 'low quality textures' option
  21. you can save icons as .tga files and convert them to DXT1/3/5 inside unreal either way you can edit them in paint.net since it has native support for .dds formats
  22. i see, by the way, all links for scaleform gfx seem to have disappeared, do you happen to have one?
  23. i think you can add it inside the Material class, in Actor Classes > Object > Material, can't really remember how but i did it some time ago, you need to add this to that class: var() transient string ShaderCode; and that should work
  24. hey, do you encode the file with the extractor as well? since there's only this file inside the link thanks for the share either way!
  25. but then again, all downvotes are justified and you can see why if you just read that topic's discussion, so there's no point on making such a ridiculous topic like this xD
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