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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. was trying not to insult you but because you are so incredibly fucking retarded it seems like it's not necessary lol someone lock this useless topic xD
  2. 1st, you can't justify what you're selling, you won't provide any decent info about what you're selling, and you're trying to sell something noone knows wtf is about for a high AF price. Each and every single downvote you got for your crap topic is completely justified, basically cuz some people tried to give you some feedback and you started trashtalking em just look at how defensive you got there, lmao also this
  3. It's not 'hating', it's just because you can't justify the stupid price you've put on your server. Honestly, if you ever sell this thing for that price just for having a few custom skills and classes, i could sell my stuff for thousands, lol
  4. that's also not true though, pride was shit, it's not something that can't be done in some weeks, the only difference is that on its days pride was the only 'decent' custom server (compared to others) people seem to have idealized the original pride server like it was a big thing lol, but development wise, it's not that big of a deal
  5. Once again, that's simply not true, since you can simply say 'this server's concept is based on pride style servers' instead of spamming l2pride everywhere trying to get some kind of 'cheap advertisement'. Looks like some kind of plagium tbh, but it's up to you.
  6. A good way to not get people confused (since you said that you made all this stuff from scratch) would be to not name everything L2Pride. You could sell your project as a separate thing, with your own ideas and new implementations and just say that the main concept or ideas are based on Pride-Like servers, otherwise people might get judgemental for the wrong stuff. Like me, for example, for the sole reason of having 'pride' on its name, your project throws me back so much because of the fact that i know how bad the shared pride like servers are. It's just feedback and a suggestion, no hate nor anything, good look with it though! btw, consider removing these stupid statements from your topic description, it's pointless and it might even throw people off way more lol
  7. Well, if you don't have any kind of system for dynamic enchantment chances (i.e., a system that makes enchant chances increase or decrease based on the item's current enchantment level), you could just add the chance to the item's description through itemname-e.dat
  8. he's looking for something like this
  9. once again this shit is fucking amazing, keep it up
  10. It worked fine, thanks! here's what i did with it, my goal is to make different glows appear on each set when they reach a certain enchant level. Anyway, thanks
  11. Hey. Does anyone know what's the name of Vitality's effect inside LineageEffect.u? I need to take a look at the script to recompile it inside another .u file. Been searching for it for a while but didn't manage to find it, thanks in advance. Here's a pic of the effect i'm looking for:
  12. should work perfectly fine, you both are probably doing something wrong
  13. I see, still a nice share, thanks since i saw this popup i just assumed it was the same small addition in case anyone is wondering what this is for: you'll be able to re-build stuff on L2UI_CT1/L2UI_CH3/L2UI/L2Font and more interface-related stuff without having to suffer through L2Tool to replace each single texture one by one, here's an example on how it works: This is how this texture looks with Split9 properties off: And this is how it looks with the proper values: Can also be used to add new HTML Decos on NPC HTMLs
  14. just curious, is there any difference between the editor you shared and this one?
  15. if you're looking to extract scripts from default Interface.u, wotgreal exporter should be enough http://rootware.ru/wotgreal-package-exporter/ either way, if you don't know how to fix all the errors you're gonna get after decompiling stuff, there's Akar0's interface compiler
  16. Oh, i thought you were talking about default files because of that. Unfortunately i'm not experienced on stealing stuff
  17. can you explain yourself better, please? if you're looking to extract scripts from default Interface.u, wotgreal exporter should be enough http://rootware.ru/wotgreal-package-exporter/ either way there's Akar0's interface compiler
  18. I'm not really interested on buying anything like this, and i mean no offense but, with such a pointless post like this and such a high price i can't see how you're gonna get this sold lol. Can't see anything new or interesting from the video aside from some itemnames and fancy htmls, but that's it, really. Plus there aren't even automatic shots either way you should consider to add some kind of description here cuz this: is completely retarded. GL though
  19. No offense but, please try to use google translate, can't understand shit of what you're trying to say, otherwise people probably won't be able to help you
  20. What a nice community
  21. Just asking, could you explain exactly what you're trying to do? what do you need this for? might be able to give you a hand i'm not entirely sure if this is what you're looking for, but it might help, this is Grand Crusade's geomap, shared by demev
  22. welp, i'll take a look around and see if i can do something about it Edit: can't manage to open GC/GOD/H5/GF/Interlude 24_18.unr with l2editor, each time i try i get a different error for each map. I guess the last resource would be to cover the emitter with a tree or something,
  23. indeed, though the method i gave him should work either way
  24. try this 1- use L2Editor to open the .unr you wanna edit once you've opened the map you wanna edit, locate the emitter, staticmesh or whatever it is you wanna move and right-click it, then go to properties, then go to object: in Object>Name you'll see that it says, for example, StaticMeshActor721 at this point you can close l2editor, then open L2PE https://github.com/acmi/L2pe then again, open the map you wanna edit with L2PE, and search for the actor you located using L2Editor select it, go to Movement, then Location, and there you can just move it underground didnt go into much detail cuz both l2editor and l2pe are kinda intuitive, i've tried this method before and it worked just fine when trying to move emitters around the map, either way if this doesn't work just send me a DM and i'll try to give you a hand
  25. that looks very nice! good job!
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