Hello there. I've been working on a project for some years now, called L2 Bellion. There's something we've always wanted to do, which is to import Grand Crusade animations into High-Five. Now, i already have Gildor's tool, along with the necessary software to import animations into h5, and everything seems to be working fine, aside from a small problem. In order to import animations into a new package, i needed to export .psa files from Grand Crusade's .ukx files, and import them back into a new package, which works fine on H5.
So, my problem is, in order to fix AnimNotify stuff, i need to set all of them by hand, which would take an insane amount of time. Which takes me to the next two questions:
1- Is there any way to open L2's .ukx files in UnrealEd 2003/2004, so i can copy and paste AnimNotifys?
2- Is there any way to copy the properties from .ukx file and paste them on another file?
EDIT: didn't make my problem clear: characters won't reproduce sounds nor on-hit effects, and this is the reason why i need to add AnimNotifys to the animations
Any kind of help would be very appreciated! Thanks beforehand.