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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. what do you mean which parent? if you mean which is the window's name, it's TargetStatusWnd
  2. IsL2NetLogin=False IsL2Console=False IsUseCommand=False IsL2NetLog=False [L2PawnViewer] ST_HEAD=0 ST_RHAND=0 ST_LHAND=0 ST_GLOVES=0 ST_CHEST=0 ST_LEGS=0 ST_FEET=0 ST_BACK=0 ST_RLHAND=1299 These are the things you need to add in your .ini (i think)
  3. couldn't agree more with this, i honestly can't get myself to understand how people unironically enjoy '2-week-mid-low rate retail-like servers' nowadays, it's always the same stuff, same classes, same items, same farming, same mechanics... it's honestly just lame af
  4. Well, i'm not trying to 'suck my own dick' here nor anything like that, nor trying to publicize my stuff, but... i'd like to get some insight on the stuff that we (the people working on this project) are working on. Since we made everything from scratch, from the simplest to the most complex stuff, i'd say it's a complete rework.
  5. You won't find any free way to do such thing, you'd need to buy Gildor's tool. https://www.gildor.org/smf/index.php?topic=133.0
  6. ^ this. Or you can either just download lord0fdest's L2Editor, you'll be able to edit some UKX files as long as they don't have any animations inside. and you'll also need this one to make files work on the client
  7. lock topic please
  8. I've completely replaced FShaman's files for FErtheia ones, ofc, including AnimNotifies, Sounds, Effects, etc. Since on my project you can choose any class as your main class with any character (for example, a titan dwarf), classes aren't a problem to me. The only problem i have right now, is that when i'm ingame, the name's offest is fcked up, as seen below. I've already tried modifying Server-sided height, and LineageWarrior.u's CollisionHeight/NameOffset (thanks a lot to Ehoq for this), but nothing seems to be working. If anyone has any idea on how to fix it, please help! https://imgur.com/JOWG9S7
  9. Had the same issue once, if i'm not mistaken, it can be fixed by copying the mesh properties from the gloves of any of the game's original armors, and then pasting them over the gloves of the imported armor Podés resolverlo copiando las propiedades de algún mesh de algún guante que ya venga con el juego, y pegarlas sobre los guantes que importaste, debería solucionarse Cualquiér cosa, si necesitás más detalles hablame a Discord: 911reg#9626
  10. Yeah, i saw that one, i was just curious if it was 100% necessary to create a new LineageSkillEffects.u (which i'd like to avoid since i'm already using GoD skills on H5 and i dont really wanna have to rebuild LineageEffect.u from GoD). Nevermind then
  11. so basically it's not possible to add new skill effects without re-compiling LineageSkillEffect.u?
  12. It worked fine! thanks a lot!
  13. Hello there. I have some problems with 3DS Max, when i try to export a mesh and import it into the game, it seems like attachments get fucked up (i have only tried to do this kind of stuff with weapon meshes so far). Here's an example of what happens: I even tried importing a mesh(aden_ownting_m00_wp) and exporting it right away without touching anything, and i got the same result. Any ideas? I'm using 3DS Max 2018, with these plug-ins and scripts: https://www.gildor.org/projects/unactorx, and i'm trying to do this on High-Five.
  14. That would actually be super helpful! I've managed to complete FFighter today, it took me nearly three hours... damn. I don't really care about people stealing it, but i know for a fact that some would try to sell stolen stuff for money, which is kinda bothersome... If you could help me out with that i'd really appreciate it!
  15. That's what i tought, i guess it'll have to be done by hand. If anyone knows about something similar to what i'm asking for, it'd be very appreciated. Also, when i'm done with it, i might even share it for free, as i'd rather do that than having someone else stealing it from Bellion >>
  16. Hello there. I've been working on a project for some years now, called L2 Bellion. There's something we've always wanted to do, which is to import Grand Crusade animations into High-Five. Now, i already have Gildor's tool, along with the necessary software to import animations into h5, and everything seems to be working fine, aside from a small problem. In order to import animations into a new package, i needed to export .psa files from Grand Crusade's .ukx files, and import them back into a new package, which works fine on H5. So, my problem is, in order to fix AnimNotify stuff, i need to set all of them by hand, which would take an insane amount of time. Which takes me to the next two questions: 1- Is there any way to open L2's .ukx files in UnrealEd 2003/2004, so i can copy and paste AnimNotifys? 2- Is there any way to copy the properties from .ukx file and paste them on another file? EDIT: didn't make my problem clear: characters won't reproduce sounds nor on-hit effects, and this is the reason why i need to add AnimNotifys to the animations Any kind of help would be very appreciated! Thanks beforehand.
  17. I'm trying to edit some weapons/armors/mobs' textures, etc. Things like that. I don't need 100% to use shaders, but still it would be nice being able to use it.. About "combiner", could you give me some info about it? i can't find anything on google pd: thanks for the fast answers <3
  18. Yup, it does. The problem is, that's exactly what i need to do, but UE2 crashes right when i try to use that button.
  19. Hello there, my problem is that whenever i try to click "use" when making a texture, UE2 suddenly stops working and won't work 'til i force it to shut down. I tried every single compatibility, i tried to open it as an admin, etc. but nothing worked. If you know about any kind of solution i'd be very grateful!
  20. Hello there! I'm looking for a patch, or info about how to do a patch that enables copy/paste ingame, aswell as some characters as "ñ", etc. If anyone could help me i'd be really grateful!
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