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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. you can't, IL client doesn't support that function (as far as i know) You can simply add them manually into the button's textures before importing them to the game Icons are also located in HtmlWnd < L2UI_CT1 i.e.
  2. you're not looking hard enough L2UI_CT1 > HtmlWnd
  3. Good luck with your project my guy
  4. He even sent me frient requests as Morto again, multiple times, this guy is an actual subhuman lmao
  5. you need to make them manually with any image editing software, since they have an autosize feature on higher clients which is not supported on IL, so you can't just 'port' the texture as it is. You can either download essence client or get the png textures from here, if you wanna edit them
  6. Glad to hear that @Celestinepls lock
  7. It should be possible theoretically xD, would be fun as fuck, for example, some dude is implementing chatgpt into a Skyrim mod to get infinite dialogues on NPCs and shit like that https://www.ign.com/articles/skyrim-mod-uses-chatgpt-and-other-ai-tools-to-give-npcs-a-memory-and-endless-things-to-say About having a voice chat, i have no fuckin clue whatsoever, but i've seen some people come somewhere 'close' to that in other unreal engine games (like old unreal tournament, etc) https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?t=5410 I have no idea about how hard it'd be to actually manage to implement something like this into L2's client, maybe someone from the reverse code team knows better
  8. Of course you'll always get errors, you can't just copy paste stuff from a client to another, sadly you'll have to put some time into learning how to troubleshoot your interface's errors manually
  9. You won't be able to get that from the interface you uploaded there, since, as i said, it's obfuscated, but if i remember correctly i think DEADZ's interface had something similar. Here's a link, in case you wanna peek. https://mega.nz/file/j75iXBoL#mZX3us79CVja2dDE7sRFCB7eF2fUg1zZWRCUt3G91p8
  10. It's not encrypted, it's obfuscated, you won't be able to 'study' it unless you either manually de-obfuscate it or pay someone to do it class BlockEnterWnd extends UICommonAPI; const 2489 = 1; const 2487 = 0; const 5575 = 1026; const 5574 = 1000; const 2482 = 0; var WindowHandle 5712; var TextBoxHandle 2481; var TextBoxHandle 2480; var TextBoxHandle 2479; var TextBoxHandle 2478; var TextBoxHandle 2477; var TextBoxHandle 2476; var TextBoxHandle 2475; var TextBoxHandle 2473; var ListCtrlHandle 2472; var ListCtrlHandle 2471; var TextureHandle 2470; var TextureHandle 2437; var TextureHandle 2436; var TextureHandle 2434; var TextureHandle 2425; var ButtonHandle 2422; var int 2412; var int 2408; var bool 4662; function OnRegisterEvent() { RegisterEvent(3830); RegisterEvent(3840); RegisterEvent(3850); RegisterEvent(3860); RegisterEvent(3820); RegisterEvent(3870); RegisterEvent(3880); RegisterEvent(1710); RegisterEvent(1720); return; }
  11. I think he's talking about an underground arena, i don't remember where it is located tho
  12. I personally don't offer help when i either don't know what to do (like in this case), or just out of lazyness, as forum topics aren't as flexible as discord channels, where i usually help a lot. Ever since i became a 'client dev' or whatever you wanna call it, i've wanted to start making some sort of extended documentation dedicated to L2's client shenanigans, but the more i help people out, the more i realize that people have literally ZERO clue about how time consuming/high effort client dev tends to be, and so just trash their learning progress to look for a ready solution instead. That said, i can see why client dev/modding is dead. 99% of people are leechers looking for free shit, and people who actually know what they're doing value their own time and effort so they're not willing to give it away for free. (im not justifying retarded 1000 euro prices tho.)
  13. People tend to add new features to servers for a reason. Retail-like servers can be uninteresting and repetitive since players only click on targets and press F1 until they reach the maximum level before they can start PvPing. This seems to be the case with L2 in general nowadays. However, if you only plan to play for a bit of time and want to relive nostalgic moments, it might be "good" for you. Personally, I believe it's a waste of time. Nonetheless, if you're searching for a reliable source, you could start by checking the Marketplace section. Good luck with your search!
  14. You should be able to get everything you need here: http://akumu.ru/lineage2/L2RU/P362/L2RU-P362-D20220914-P-211110-221017-1/
  15. You can use this guide as reference: all you need is basically to create nulled effect scripts (empty scripts with their class name and extension only, with no code nor defaultproperties) based on your client's LineageEffect, you can take a look at the effects using UTPT or something similar. Then you can just create your own LineageSkillEffect.u as you can see on that guide. Otherwise you can try to compile both LineageEffect.u and LineageSkillEffect.u (or not necessarily LineageEffect, but how to create Emitters into any new file, which you can then use inside LineageSkillEffects.u). Would be much more convenient but it might be hard to do if you're not familiar with unreal engine.
  16. If you don't add info about your server on this topic nobody will buy anything from you, ever. Also, wrong section https://maxcheaters.com/forum/271-lineage-ii-marketplace/
  17. What the title says, extracted textures converted to PNG. L2UI L2UI_CH3 L2UI_CT1 L2UI_NewTex L2UI_Epic
  18. A modified version of Unreal Editor made by @lord0fdest, for some weird reason most people dont know it. I removed useless stuff from it, made it lighter and added correct paths so it reads the proper files from the client. Make sure to add it to your client's root folder. What can be done with this tool: Open L2 files with standard encryption. Edit Textures/staticmeshes/skeletal meshes (non-animated), etc. Most things work fine on client 388, though it can't read some .ukx files (especially .ukx files with VertexMeshes in them.) Also, it comes with Split9 support. I'm only reuploading this because a lot of people requested my version of the editor. Download Again, credits go to @lord0fdest If you're facing errors related to MSVCR120.DLL, you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 on your computer. If it is installed, you need to copy C:/Windows/SysWOW64/MSVCR120.DLL and paste it on L2Editor's root folder. For general information about Unreal Editor you can go to this website: https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Two/SiteMap.html
  19. Hey, that's done through LineageEffect.u, you can't really 'modify' it, you can only try to recompile the whole file. The arrow mesh is located inside LineageWeapons.ukx, you should be able to edit that. you can take a look at the script: Class NArrow extEnds NProjectile; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local Mesh temp; super(Actor).PostBeginPlay(); temp = Mesh(DynamicLoadObject("LineageWeapons.wooden_arrow_m00_et", Class'SkeletalMesh')); if(temp != none) { Mesh = temp; } return; } simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if((Physics == PHYS_MovingTrailer) && TargetActor != none) { TargetActor.GetEffTargetLocation(LastTargetLocation); } super(Actor).Tick(DeltaTime); return; } simulated event ShotNotify() { SetPhysics(PHYS_MovingTrailer); return; } DefaultProperties { Speed=1500 AccSpeed=3000 DrawType=2 CollisionRadius=0.2 CollisionHeight=18 } (this script is from IL but it should be the same for H5)
  20. i mean.... you won't find customs in projects that are strictly trying to emulate the retail lineage 2 experience... Plus the things you've mentioned aren't hard to implement by yourself. If you wanna get some preassembled pack with custom stuff, you can go here i doubt you'll ever find anything like that with a decent quality, you'll have to put actual effort if you want something nearly playable.
  21. What do you mean exactly by 'not impressed'? At least mention what you're looking for specifically...
  22. It's not "secrecy", it's more like it'd be very, VERY tedious to try to explain to someone the step by step on how to do the process of decompiling, fixing sources, re-compiling files, making client files readable for the compiler so it can use the correct textures, etc etc etc. You'll need to learn a huge amount of things to try to make a compilation of your own, from editing textures/staticmeshes/sounds/vertex meshes to learning AT LEAST basic UnrealScript, then figuring out how to use the UCC Commandlet, how import/export tables work for unreal files, etc. TL;DR you need a huge amount of general knowledge about unreal engine itself, and about how L2's files work. So if you want to make a compiler and a clean source of your own it'll take you weeks or more to do it without the necessary knowledge, or even a full day if you already know what to do, hence why i doubt anyone will share such compilers/sources. If you really want to get into learning this though, i can provide you with the necessary links.
  23. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/877548685909712928/1090673214889402408/stuff.zip Here you go, remember to add the .u file to your system.
  24. Upload the .ukx file and we might be able to help
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