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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. I dont think anyone wants to get anywhere near close to orion files ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Very interesting stuff, good luck with your sales!
  3. Locked, solved
  4. Locked, solved.
  5. Unreal Engine 2 Runtime doesn't support Lineage 2 files; since they're encrypted. You need to decrypt them in order to open them. There are multiple guides on maxcheaters.
  6. What are you struggling with? Simply open/create a new .utx file, go to the Texture Browser, File > Import, import your image, then just save the .utx and encrypt it
  7. Use L2Editor Also, documentation: UDN - Two - UnrealEdInterface (unrealengine.com)
  8. UPDATE: added TC_Stretch clamp mode EDIT: FORGOT TO ADD TC_MIRROR Working properly now, re-download it! Download link updated
  9. Yes, it might be possible to interact with it, you can also add custom dll files and use new 'native' functions to do stuff such as adding auto soulshots to servers. I assumed you wanted to edit them via interface.xdat, since you were asking for the names of each of them. Honestly i've never tried to do that, so other devs might know better than me; good luck with it!
  10. Again, they don't have names. You can't edit them in any way, no interface.u, nor interface.xdat, nor anything. They're hardcoded in NWindow.dll
  11. They're hardcoded in .dll files, same as the server selection screen, or the MSN/Friend chat (Alt + Y). You can't edit them through XDat.
  12. Its great to see more from this About the BSP brushes, honestly, i have no idea how they set up the texture mappings, but there's a simple method to convert BSP brushes to staticmeshes, which can then be extracted using UModel: (It's an integrated function in Unreal Engine 2's editor, so you just need to select the brushes and click a button and voilà) I don't have much free time these days, but let me know if you wanna try it out, i'll give you a small step by step
  13. Solved, locked. PD: the animation issue was due to a missing .int file.
  14. You can literally delete everything from inside LineagePawn, and just leave this: class LineagePawn extends Pawn; since you won't be using any of the functions that are stored inside of LineagePawn.uc when compiling LineageMonster. Same with LineageNpc.HerdNpc, same with LineageMonster.HerdMonster, etc. You can also delete all files from LineageWarrior's folder, and only leave LineagePawn If you need help with that kind of stuff, send me a DM on Discord
  15. You can simpy open unreal engine runtime, go to the actor browser and extract all scripts, then simply run a .bat file with "ucc make" inside of it, and fix the errors manually. After that it's self explanatory, simply add more scripts, i.e. npc scripts, etc, if they have errors, fix them manually, and so on. There's no magic solution to do this, you'll have to read. There's plenty of documentation on many webs, and tutorials about how to compile unreal mods/mutators in general, not only for L2 but for pretty much any unreal game (its the exact same process in any game basically). UnrealWiki: Compiling With UCC (beyondunrealwiki.github.io) UnrealWiki: UnrealScript (beyondunrealwiki.github.io) UnrealWiki: UnrealScript Lessons (beyondunrealwiki.github.io) The reason why there are no tutorials is because it's hard to teach someone how to troubleshoot compiling/decompiling errors, etc.
  16. Cubics are inside LineageEffect.u. You can use Notepad++ to search the name of the cubics' meshes inside the .uc scripts. Unfortunately you can't add nor remove cubics, they're hardcoded.
  17. I updated it as soon as I posted my comment though
  18. I don't think you can, if i don't remember wrong that logo's position is hardcoded. What you can do though is just remove the texture so it's invisible, then add a new window without background inside Interface.xdat (you can copy the window where the 'New Account, Lost Account' and other buttons are) Then simply, inside that window, add a new texture.
  19. Please translate your topic to English Remember that this section is international, so you can not use your own native language. English is required.
  20. didn't my version work for you? i tested it and it seemed to work perfectly fine, no RGBA8RawData errors whatsoever
  21. Hey there, in those cases, you need to add a socket with alias e_bone and attach it to one of the mob's bones, which you're missing: You can use these buttons to check what bones the mesh has should end up looking something like this: Remember to add a small Z offset, or the abnormal effects will be inside of the mob's head. Usually an offset of 20-25 works fine. Also, when you type Bip01 HeadNub in the BoneName field, you might see that when you press enter it gets saved as Bip01, without HeadNub. To avoid that, type the bone's name in double quotes: "Bip01 HeadNub", then press enter Also, there's a nice little trick that you can use to not lose any mesh properties (LOD, rotation, location, etc) so you don't need to export > re-import the .psk file whenever you wanna edit something, if you wanna know, send me a DM on Discord
  22. UPDATE: Fixed RGBA8RawData Download link updated
  23. vs 2015 community, tho i didn't make any changes whatsoever, just changed a few things here and there for my own use, so this is exactly the same as the one lord0fdest shared, but without unnecessary files/a few changed textures, etc
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