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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Read the rules and fix your topic please...
  2. Moved to private...good luck
  3. Moved to previews since its not opened yet
  4. Take me and you will never need even admin in game...:D Just kidding good luck with your search and better rewrite your topic cause seems like a bored admin looking for gms to do his job..
  5. I got what are you looking drop me a pm tested on live servers no bugs at all..
  6. You can try or search over the files how Rnd works...read and understand then give a try to create a new itemhandler...
  7. Update 30/10/18 Event engine tvt/ctf/dm for latest acis price 40euros Pop up class Window for Latest acis price 15euros Vote Api system for l2scripts compiled projects available classic and h5 chronicles L2scripts h5 .party[find party] can be added without source. UPDATE 24/12 Lucera 3 Auto vote system ext.jar (Topzone,hopzone,network) Lucera 3 Api Vote .getreward ext.jar (Topzone,hopzone,network) On the List H5 Project for sale..it can be tested online and more infos via skype..
  8. Google it you will find your answer..
  9. I will agree but seems like he want the exception town parts to not allow private stores there...for examble he wants in center of giran to be available someone to put a private store...not in gatekeeper
  10. There exist some engines but all still the same thing...same events others are bugged others not... As i can understand you are on the way to code one event engine.. My opinion its not to recreate already known events just create unique... On my server im use ctf tvt dm engine what the players like most...but i got 2-3 events unique not including in engine they are extra events 1 time per day for examble... Some lines of code and the results are fine..
  11. New mod for h5 based l2jSunrise... Information: Arena maps change every x minutes... Top killer for every map change and reward.... Reward for each kill inside arena map.. Configurable spawn/unspawn npcs in zone... Configurable enemies name... Pvp counter inside the Arena Map instead of title... Countdown in Screen in the middle Configurable Name for the Enemy... Available in offer til Friday.. Price : 40euros
  12. Even with archer?you could check if any message in chat when try to hit
  13. Lets stop spam please...any other spam reply will be a warning...topic will be cleaned too so just stop..
  14. Yes search in acis forum...there is the solution
  15. You can check this is_teleport_to_siege_allowed seems like a config dunno what pack is using something like this just change the value...
  16. Just delete the checks in L2TeleporterInstance Or make a custom one...
  17. You better read my message and then come back to discuss with me not in the topic otherwise i will warn you second time...as i told you someone report it and i do my work...and trust me for the first time we tried h5 it was fine...i dont want to my projects 5k fake players... We are not corrupted this game like other Administrators do...have a nice day..
  18. do you forget your mod?or you will answer me in some days?
  19. sinces its voiced command you have to use requestbypasstoserver for this one npc_%objectid%_ is not used anymore maybe action="bypass -h voice .info"
  20. Remove the check in l2pcInstance... Before setpvpkills
  21. Thats Why there exist Updater
  22. You got droplist here...as i remember rune is giving some status in rates.. If this list is x1 in Config drop rate you will have with rune rate more chance drop and not increased droplist..
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