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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. you mean Valakas, Antharas and Lindvior Weapons?
  2. very crazy weapons, maybe would be nice something like a rabbit sword ahahah, but all is welcome.
  3. nice one, It is definitely a good piece of information to be taken, it is appreciated.
  4. skype: criticalerrordev, enzo atler or criticalerror@creagamers.es
  5. well as see is something related to 22_22.unr map, a custom map installed or something like that, check reinstall client.
  6. you can get it from here https://www.4shared.com/archive/rOvbuW75ba/l2ui.html or make your own
  7. well this is a problem of DEP (Data Execution Prevention) related problem and is solved excluding system/l2.exe How to: 1) Right click the start button and select System 2) Click Advanced in the left navigation bar 3) Click on Performance 4) CLick on "Data Execution Prevention" 5) Click on "Add exclusion" and look for system/l2.exe 6) Ok, OK, OK and restart if needed 7) Gl
  8. well if won't open all files is because need make a ddf files to make it work and load files, search in the forum you would found a l2disasm guide to make your owns ddf files.
  9. this is interface edited, sure some of the interfaces posted before have it, or something similar, im sure of that, use search interfaces and you would see.
  10. SmartCrypt sure or some crypt around net, is possible ofc.
  11. ok here fix of @lordofdest just edit !GenerateLibs.bat and put this
  12. no matter if run bat file because I do before, but anyway got this error with bat, one thing is you need edit !GenerateLibs.bat and change line "%VS140COMNTOOLS to "%VS120COMNTOOLS is for Visual Studio 2013, because 140 is for Studio 2015.
  13. Hello bro thanks a lot for great contribution, have a question, after open file and try compile got lot errors, using same version you say Visual Studio 2013 Community Editor upload pic
  14. use sticky topics, search better bro, in client section you have everything you need to begin in mod and decyrpt files you need.
  15. nice guide dude keep working, is very good, keep it update!!!!
  16. Hello folks, well because don't do to much with that I decide sell my collection stuff of l2, this package contain a fully functional tools,scripts,tutorials and much more, if you mod l2 you can't miss this collection, unique one, public and private stuff. ASE EXPORT TRUE.jpg ASE Export.jpg CriticalError Compilation Pack (C4-Interlude-CT2.3-CT2.5).txt Developer Console Doc Editors Emitters Examples UT2004 FU Glow Guide.txt L2Systems Lineage2 Russians.txt LineageEffect (Interlude).txt LineageEffect_LineageEffect_Br (Infinity Oddysey Test).7z OBJ Export Max 2010.png Patch For Animate Textures (Engine) Patch's Patched Systems Plugins Tools Tutorials UE Weapons Made skill_usk (Interlude).7z DEVELOPER CONSOLE Lineage II Developer Console Lineage2 DK v1 Lineage2 DK v2 DOC Independant C++ SDK's for Unreal Engine Based Games LegacyBatchExportCommandlet DAT Guide Lineage 2 Encryptation Info Lineage2 Animation Skeletal Structure Lineage2 Skeletal Structure Value Tables UE3 TUTPackage Delphi Library v2.3 (interim) Unreal Tournament Package Delphi Library ut_package_file_format_pdf EDITORS LineageIIED ut2004 PostalUnrealEditor 1 PostalUnrealEditor 2 UnralED 2.0 (Unreal Tournament) Unreal Editor 2.1 Extended Edition UnrealED 2.0 UnrealED 2.0 Tactital Ops UnrealED 2.1 UnrealEngine2Runtime UnrealEngine3Runtime UnrealScript .u UnrealSed 2.1.0 EMITTERS EXAMPLES UT2004 ParticleSystem_42 ParticleSystem_43 IniLandv1_1 IniLandv1_2 IniEmitterExamples BlasterRifleINI ComboNecrov3 ComboPackINI relics-custom-emitters-pack-1 UT2004RPG L2SYSTEMS 01 - Chaotic Chronicle 02- Chaotic Throne 03 - Goddess of Destruction 04 - Epic Tale of Aden 05 - Infinite Odyssey 06 - Classic PLUGINS ActorX Importer 3DSMax Blender blender3d_import_psk_psa dds (x32) dds (x64) EpicGames ActorX (3DS Max-Maya) EpicGames ActorX for 3ds Max-Maya 2012-2015 MAX 2010 SMD Importer (x32) MAX 2010 SMD Importer (x64) MAX2010 SMD Exporter (x32) MAX2010 SMD Exporter (x64) md5Mesh Importer for 3ds Max UTexporter (Max 3 Plugin) md5importer TOOLS 3D Object Converter 3D Studio Max X3D Exporter 3ds2unr + source addsound ase to t3d + source Biturn 0.88 + Maxscript Client Manager Tool V4 L2Tools Crypter L2 Eclipse ElfoCrash Tool 4 Envelope Tweaker 1.2 Export Obj Sequence 1.0 FGeodata Converter 1.1.2 File Conversions (3DMFtoUnreal,Crossroads,UnrealToObj,UnrealToX3D,Unreal Realm of Concepts) G3D-Editor Game Rigg to Character Studio Biped GameGuard files decrypter 0.1 GeoEditor 1.5 Revision 58 (x64) HDGE 1.07b L2 Mew Music 1.0 L2 Version Switcher l2disasm L2Editors L2Effect-Patcher l2encdec 2.10.1 L2Lige L2MapExtract L2MapViewer L2MultiSellEditor + Source l2onParser L2PackageTools L2PE L2smr L2Tool L2Updater 2.0.2 + Sources L2Updater Source LameCrypter Source Leviathan 0.41 Lineage 2 Multisell Manager Lineage II Files decoder-encoder 0.2.1 Lineage2 Decompiler u MapScale 2.0 Mesh Tools MeshMaker Music Converter Navicat Premium 10.8.1 + Keygen OAUKX Obj Loader 1.4.1 OBJ Model Viewer oggpatcher Palette Tool Patch for UT2003 Patch for UT2004 Simple UCC Compiling Skeletal Mesh Editor SkeletalMesh Viewer Some ripping-helping tools T3D Importer-Exporter Macroscript TexAlign UCC Helper UDKFrontend UE Explorer UEd TexKit UMake 1.2 umodel Unmass w092 Unreal Map Tool (houdini) Unreal OBB Extractor + Source Unreal X-Editor 3.1.5 UnrealFX UnrealPolyEd 0.7 UnrealScript (Code-Class) PreProcessor UT2 Converter UT2 to Lineage2 converter UT3Converter2-025c utdep.pl utpt20beta5 WOTgreal 3.006 + Keygen WOTgreal Package Exporter X3D and VRML Utilities xdat Editor 1.1.0 (Java8) xdat Editor 1.1.0 (Java8u20) XML Status Creator Armor & Weapons V2 XML Status Creator V3 ZModeler 1.06f Zmodeler 2.2.6 build 993 l2decrypt L2J Studio 1.1 L2Skill Editor XML L2Tool L2UKX pskfix UCC UnCodeX 232 UnrealEditor 2 Runtime (22261903) UT package Tool v.2.0 beta 5 ut2down XML Status Creator Armor & Weapons 2 (C4-Gracia) U2GemExport 1.0 DOS batch file to find JAVA_HOME v1 DOS batch file to find JAVA_HOME v2 Tactical Ops Assault on Terror UnrealED L2FileAdapter (CT3-Interlude) mysql-essential-5.1.33-win32 mysql-installer-community- HxD (Spanish) HxD (English) UE2003 TUTORIALS [Guide] Basic Client Editing [Guide] How To Make Ur Own Buttons And Icon At Npc 3D Model Guide Adaptation Dota2Heroes Anim Notifies - Iniquitous Compilar Paquetes U Complete Weapon Glow Guide Creating a Burn Away Effect Design 1, Design 3 (Computer and Video Games) Emitters Reference Hero Aura When Equip Armor Set L2Tool And Weapons! LineageEffect Variation Loading, editing and animating Lode's Unreal - Tutorials Modify Glow Effects Packaging sound files .u or .uax using ucc make ParticleSystems psdtutorial Reverse Engineering SkeletalVertex Meshes Splash Tutorials Complete Wolf UCC Compiling Guide Example Particle Systems Particle Systems Importing Meshes Importing Textures ued help03 ued help04 ued help05 Unreal File Format Unreal Model Importing UnrealEd Reference Vertex Animated Mesh Exporting with ActorX Vertex Animation Import Directives The Complete Unreal Ed Reference Guide 5_AnimSets Converting wave songs to music modules L2 Armor Texture Creation With Animated Shader Part1 L2 Armor Texture Creation With Animated Shader Part2 L2 Let's Create Animated Texture In UE2 USTutorial-1 UT Environment Manual Vertmesh Tutorial L2Map Tutorial Ultimate UED Tutorial Package UnrealScript How Make Items Stackable Modify Login Buttons NoItenName Solution Delete Mist and Rain (H5) Unreal Tutos UnrealScript Codex PSDtutorial And much more, if you have any question just send me a PM, price via PM only, payment: paypal only.
  17. bullshit, no sense to download 1.2GB when you can work with 30MB patch, so useless, he joke upload a big client just for work in modding, thats stupid but well in fact is a share.
  18. you can't extract ASE, only ASE was generated from pskx you import in 3DS Max, after export to ASE via 3DS Max you can import into Editor.
  19. yeah many thanks for that, I tested and you right, anyway it's solved, can be lock, many thanks to all.
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