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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. a very detailed guide about using Unreal Scripts, sound to nice understand how the client connect with couple lines and made your dreams come true, gratz mate.
  2. thanks a lot for the guide buddy, look to nice, I see you dominate a little Unreal Scripts, keep going.
  3. It is a nice section to highlight in the client, it looks good, thanks for sharing it.
  4. damn really level 125, Interlude? come on, what did I miss, wanna back to the time, thanks for sharing anyway.
  5. you need original SmartCrypt.exe used for crypt that file, without it, useless, no matter if you get another SmartCrypt, can't be decrypted.
  6. problem solved, a damn staticmesh without texture, thanks a lot to SGER@fjs can be lock.
  7. I know that bro but no matter what I do no work, a example: LineageEffectAs_Dragon= Name of .U no necessary weapon_vala_buster= is to group the effect into vala_buster,etc MeshEmitter54=this one ofc is a Emitter name calling ingame About recompile like you mean I know it begin from 0 to 5,6,7,8 o whatever Emitter contain effect, just the problem is when I enter in the game look like shit one part of the effect.
  8. a example of my log, got this: anyway in my code: make reference to make .u with "LineageEffectAs_Dragon" but if delete with and leave only with "weapon_vala_buster.MeshEmitter54" encrypt was empty.
  9. it could be called something like that well as far remember the result is same but you can play with effect of ilumination in the map, maybe wrong but remember like that.
  10. here we go. L2 Xavius v2 Live Patch - Descarga - 4shared
  11. the problem mesh floating around character? or just texture mesh have problem? do you try link texture into UTX for see if there?
  12. as you answered yourself, many armor, weapons, accessories do not have mapping and use textures added either sp2 or finalblend.
  13. Hello guys, well as long time nobody see me here, I come back because in my localhost server I doing some mods ,Valakas Weapons and apply emitters compiling .uc got this errors, somebody can help me for bit? it look like is a staticmesh or something like that, but anything is there, I check files and all textutes, staticmeshes and meshes are there so what you think? all help appreciated.
  14. when you say better client desing, ask for textures of interface? is there around forum a custom interface.
  15. well man like NevesOsma say, you can't get experience in one day, month, o year, is a investigate, play with tools and read documents, one thing you still don't know saying is a java code when unreal scripts are based in C++, so pay attention in all and begin read before post a comment, you can´t absorve all knowledge in one time.
  16. here we go. http://www.mediafire.com/file/x6mki893a0e46d4/shield.7z/file
  17. search a guide from LauQ in that forum or out, the best guide can help to play with glows.
  18. yes you can do as Finn say or too via database.
  19. sure the weapons are edited with a LineageEffect line so if try search that line and no load, it give error, thats simple.
  20. as far remember you can try change a value in additionaleffectgrp but don't remember which one it's, a guide are in forum as far remember long time ago.
  21. you can't, sure this was encrypted with LameCrypter, SmartCrypt or any of this tool around net, only good programmer or with own exe tool can reverse it.
  22. check this out. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/88879-l2-file-editor-v2-c4-to-freya/ https://l2-info.ru/klient/soft-klient/15-l2-file-edit-c4-helios.html https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/files/file/19-file-editor-c4-highfive/
  23. ahahha very nice package, like how reduce size buff icons, damn how change all this years l2.
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