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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. there told you all lol, is trying to figure www.serversfree.com but the site is gone, so you need edit with your website, thats all.
  2. LightFusion is the key, but ofc he never help in this way, keep dreaming, he only stay here like a clown and nothing more :happyforever: , he feel like a god because know it but well, anyone in his world, he's not in real life I think, he keep in game world :-X take care my friend LightFusion we respect you :rage:
  3. and well you say about cahracter creation, so this is the key I think, others nothing related to login character creation I think.
  4. well i'm not expert in this but I think can be change ofc, and how LIghtFusion say, you need know what touch, i'm not best to do it, so well here we go, gl. or this one.
  5. the link still up, you just don't click in the picture and well, so for this reason you think link is off, but still up, anyway fixed topic with old pictures deleted.
  6. is a tool very similar I think or maybe is this one, have fun. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/068f8140ca79/TargetPlus.7z
  7. link fixed, my account was hacked before and he modify my lasts shares with this shit.
  8. lol I spend 1 minute in google to found it http://sourceforge.net/projects/fastclicker/
  9. you can try and check examples as this one :) gl. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/138420-share-white-lion-pet-for-c6-new-version-and-sounds/
  10. you can do it if know which byte is necessary copy and paste there, if not sure your client won't open or just give criticalerror, you can try this, copy the bytes from Offset: 39950 to Offset: 3301F and if all be ok, your client run.
  11. you can do yourself, is not hard man, what you expect? common
  12. yes with a tool called umode, you copy ukx file LineageMonsters.ukx into umodel folder and there open a command prompt, write umodel LineageMonsters.ukx, you load it and press D, there you got in console dumped information, like that.
  13. thats no have sense why? well because in l2 we have to many npcs, monsters, so in this way for clarify it much better no all monsters use same collision radius and height, so you can't put one value for all, because when you see ingame, titles of monsters sure are underground,etc, about radius same, so I recommend leave it.
  14. so buy a book or something like, if you want all easy is not my problem buddy, here you have everything you need, the line is for interlude and gl.
  15. well no idea about remove this frame, and how? if delete something like that the client crash sure, I only change value in Interface.u and anyway still no change when deposit item, it still figurin 30 so I think is necesary touch other things
  16. you can do yourself, exist a lot guides for adapting items, just use search button.
  17. you can't do it via xdat editor, only can modify few thigns but no str properties like this one, here a small guide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  18. well I present this pack I collect and fix .dat files because are wrong. http://uploaded.net/file/hskqwypg Password: CriticalError Credits go to: Duality, Darksimonus, a6y, SHEV, real_pvp2, Deathcore, NevesOma and others sure.
  19. you can try search in torrent, rutracker. there you can found every verson of H5, gl.
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