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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. ummm very nice, what about interface? is possible in english or spanish? or can you teach how we can transfer it to another languages? many thanks.
  2. are you sure linked animation in UT2004? I mean when finish import them in UE3, you linked animation to mesh?
  3. thanks for the wonderful share, the splashs look to cool, keep working mate.
  4. you still are a dumbass bro, if I ask it to you is because you say something is not true, because anything can be ripped, nothing is forever, and you know it, every file from games can be get via Ninja, GameAssasin, 3DRipper DX,etc, more? you don't need me explain a shit, why? simple because you are same like me and others modders here, if we are really good, we are working in a real company of games or whatever you wanna call.
  5. well thats funny, because some weeks ago or don't remember date, you say all process can dumped from memory and can be ripped models,textures,etc so what next? no offend mate, I just ask.
  6. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3JmM375gKyNk/Dragon%20Cry%20Weapons%20(Interlude).7z http://www.mediafire.com/download/dds4dvkeqmq8vq7/Dragon+Cry+Weapons+%28Interlude%29.7z Credits by CriticalError
  7. hello and if you found guides this is what you need, because old guides work for all chronicles, l2 no change nothing so you can free to adapt stuff like old times, and in any case sure you see guides about using 3d max + OUAKX, this is the way.
  8. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/PMcYJH1MjbK3/Dragon%20Slayer%20Fire%20(Interlude).zip Credits by CriticalError
  9. Try this Do a DNS Flush. Windows XP ~> This is easily done by go to START~>RUN and then typing in: cmd Hit OK, a black screen shows up and type in ipconfig /flushdns Hit enter and the entire DNS should be wiped off the computer. For windows VISTA users, you'll HAVE to grant ADMIN rights to CMD for the duration to do this, navigate to My computer ~> C: ~> Windows ~> SYSTEM32 ~> CMD.... RIGHT CLICK CMD and form the menu select "RUN AS ADMIN". From there, Do exactly as mentioned above for xp, type in ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter. OR THIS Reset Internet Explorer Files, While this is likely not to solve the problem, it usually removes some files that could potentially cause an issue reguardless. go to START~>Control Panel~>Internet options I'll only be refering to Internet Explorer 7. In this window that pops up should be a Delete button on the default TAB, click it then select DELETE ALL and then place a check in the unchecked box, hit delete. It may take several seconds to even minutes depending on when this was last done.
  10. download from here l2encdec and via command prompt put what I told you -->>>>>>> http://dstuff.luftbrandzlung.org/public/common/l2encdec_2.10.1.7z l2encdec -e 121 lineage2effetcttextures.utx, yot a new file generated with enc-lineage2effetcttextures.utx just rename and paste into systextures and is all, have fun.
  11. yep you right but after post video and saw it I fix them, Bow and 2 Hand Hammer.
  12. nothing is impossible, is necessary recompile script for interlude.
  13. well there it show you error, you have a problem sure in this local map 22_22
  14. well here we go, here some info of file :D Scanning -> D:\L2C6\system\nwindow.dll File Type : 32-Bit Dll (Subsystem : Win GUI / 2), Size : 3850260 (03AC014h) Byte(s) Compilation TimeStamp : 0x46248C4F -> Tue 17th Apr 2007 08:58:55 (GMT) -> File has 20 (014h) bytes of appended data starting at offset 03AC000h [File Heuristics] -> Flag #1 : 00000000000000001000000100000100 (0x00008104) [Entrypoint Section Entropy] : 6.44 (section #0) ".text " | Size : 0x22A13C (2269500) byte(s) [DllCharacteristics] -> Flag : (0x0000) -> NONE [sectionCount] 5 (0x5) | ImageSize 0x40B000 (4239360) byte(s) [Export] 95% of function(s) (2830 of 2963) are in file | 0 are forwarded | File is probably packed [CompilerDetect] -> Visual C++ 8.0 (Visual Studio 2005) [!] File appears to have no protection or is using an unknown protection - Scan Took : 0.826 Second(s) [00000033Ah (826) tick(s)] [244 of 569 scan(s) done]
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