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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. ahahah thanks for calling me Leecher, anyway I vote to you because I know you are a skilled person but in Photoshop, anyway here your Ithilien maked in 30 minutes :happyforever:
  2. you have problems with this map "16_12.unr", try got original map again of your client,o maybe somebody can give you it, if not reinstall client and this is solved sure.
  3. well well, what we got here, the real arquitect always do best jobs, what we got here? a scammer? nice one ave, new skills from you, wonderfull really, hope somebody see what he can do in community, ave=nothing.
  4. well if anyone want it, request %50 of money before make this job, I do a job for him before and for problems with his partner never pay me, so no trusted take care.
  5. maybe if you use English we can help you? universal lenguage is English so well, you need think that before posting.
  6. well as I can see this is original file of lineage2, branch2, you sure have branch2.ukx + branchsys2.utx?
  7. if you mean this you can change from systemmsg-e.dat line 94
  8. sure you have wrong line there, is possible drop items in the ground without problems, I do it, just need check armorgrp line of dropitems.meshname and you can see them.
  9. the problem is mesh no textures or developer console, if your mesh no contain name and linked in armorgrp, you got nothing, so you need check it or how told you before, provide the animations files for help you, because if you don't have any idea about modding and can't do it yourself, you need upload it.
  10. well as I can understand, he suppose all be worked fine except client files, I mean armorgrp.dat, something is wrong there, so he can't link the correct mesh name in armorgrp to got ingame, but if he don't post here the line of armorgrp + ukx we can't do nothing.
  11. look very nice really, possible design one for me? :)
  12. if change it? for what? another picture mean? or what?
  13. well as I can see, you are ripping stuff from l2sacrifice server and say this is your work? epic man.
  14. well here it's, hope you likew it.
  15. Argentina come to win worldcup guys, don't be afraid :D
  16. we are not fighting, we are saying true, this shit ppl deserve the worst, is a lab rat, because before when we knew each suck everything she could and then vanished like a rat to want to dirty as it is doing now, but rats are so unfortunately are crap, this shit talking is an architect, who is this and that, then what the hell is doing in this miserable world of lineage2? if u are a professional, so called you do jobs 2d, 3d what doing here? ahh clear surely will have a salary of shit and why you should go to this ah, that epic tale of truth, you are and I will continue being a shit, whatever you do rookie, you never learned anything from the community lineage2, nothing but insult others and not give a shit, nothing but painted textures, then I tell you one thing go to hell, I have a clear conscience of my knowledge which I use, help and continue helping others as always did you do? just go posting on forums I sell updaters ohh, oh god I sell my armor is so professional, I call that stealing things from other games and add to lineage2, and you doing this piece of shit? if using original textures useless customer should realize what you say before you speak, bye to this topic, I end here, continue your pathetic life professional architect!!!!
  17. he looking no bugged shares, and I do it myself, you can do it? no ofc not because you are to noob to work with 3DS Studio Max and UnrealEngine to build it ofc, I keep it in my mind, go home, you do not fit in this community.
  18. I can do for you new weapons, remaked and without bugs, pm for price if you are interested :)
  19. and who are you to judge someone if are profesional or not, because you do your shit think are better than other ppl, go home noob, learn something more interesting than paint and after that you can talk me.
  20. well maybe you can check here. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/
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