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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. the helmet look very cool, thanks for share man.
  2. ummm very good but how many weapons you have there?
  3. thanks for wings, your style is dark I see :D
  4. wow this dagger look strange but thanks for share.
  5. nice combination, thanks for work, keep working.
  6. I delete all my sources of l2 because leave so sorry can't re-upload :)
  7. aahaha make something cool, stop stealing this work, unique? axaaa you make me laught.... model something from 0 and this is unique not ripping it from easy games like Tera,Aion,bla bla bla, ohh no I don't want paper, I don't want president, noob get a life :D
  8. everything can be, but ofc nobody do it free sorry.
  9. is simple just decrypt utx, open with UnrealED, when you found logo_2,tga or dds just right click and delete, is all :), now go to file-save and put name you want.
  10. here you have everything you need. L2 Client Mod Guides - Newbies start here!
  11. you can get from web author, buy there :)
  12. you check all correspondient ID's are same with armorgrp,sql,itemname?
  13. here you have. Ixion Weapon Set by d0dsky Password: d0ds
  14. you need decrypt it with l2decrypt, because the file is encrypted, if you see when try edit in notepad see first lines "Lineage2Ver111", this is type of encryptation in lineage 111,121,etc.
  15. try patch your original system and download setup.dll and core.dll of Fyyre.
  16. nice animations very good work, thanks for contribution and thanks Chipwar :D
  17. nice mob, this result me familiar, is not shared by volond1 or AvengersTeam? anyway thanks.
  18. duals looks very nice, thanks for that, keep sharing.
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