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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. nothing interesting in this but anyway thanks for the share.
  2. nice weapons, bad because is maked with OAUKX and need rotate again the model for other chroncle but well thanks anyway.
  3. wow very nice share man, thanks for your contribution, keep working.
  4. very nice loadings Lelouch, not bad gratz for your work.
  5. you can find it via Torrents, I found there :)
  6. you check ID's of SQL,ITEMNAME,ARMORGRP? are same? or different? you put utx into systextures? anyway if you do it and won't work sure ID's are to hight, anyway gl.
  7. I don't remember to much but I think you need mod engine.dll and ofc some of ini files of your system.
  8. this is really old share of l2jbra..... and is not yours I think.
  9. [RU]ыг екфифощ? щ йгшуку вусшк дф фвфзефсшщт ву щекщ огупщ ф дштуфпу2? зщкафмщк вуоу ву ддщкфк вшсшутвщ уыещ уы ьшщ, уыещ уы ьшщ,дф мшвф тщ уы гт мшвущ огупщ утещтсуы ашоуыу ьуощк ву дщ йгу рфидф нф йгу ву ещвфы ащкьфы уыефкшф кщифтвщ сщыфы ву щекщ огупщ н вуыфккщдфвщк зфкф штоусефкдщ ф дштуфпу
  10. oO u continue working in l2 mods, wow nice, nice mod eh, take care.
  11. who cares? you are a complete immature, create a topic just to make spam ... i'm already retired of l2, then you can share all that, aa please anyway reminds me of that which your server has animations, textures and all other work others, is really pathetic, your server don't have nothing of original. anyway this is your rip of my Celestial? you fail LOL!!!!
  12. so use search and learn read every guide you can found here!!!!!!!!
  13. so use search and learn read every guide you can found here!!!!!!!!
  14. read better last time u.u http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  15. read better last time u.u http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  16. well have fun. Black Draconic Bow with special glow [interlude-CT2.3] by CriticalError
  17. well have fun. Black Draconic Bow with special glow [interlude-CT2.3] by CriticalError
  18. well how say before, you can't open original files of L2 into UnrealED, you need make new ones.
  19. well how say before, you can't open original files of L2 into UnrealED, you need make new ones.
  20. you can make yourself, use search and you found guides how make your own sql for armor,weapon,etc
  21. you can make yourself, use search and you found guides how make your own sql for armor,weapon,etc
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