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  1. Still tales server, hosted on same server with linezeus.gr :D
  2. I think that you forgot to mention CPU/Network/SSD, a good server can't be based only on RAM....
  3. 7778 is the IP port lul. and 7000 is probably the max amount of online players that can connect in the same time to server. @AchYlek want say that there are 48 online players, but in game the counter show x7 times the real amount.
  4. No, they don't use fandc. @Mikel Alan Don't buy fandc, you can find it shared on forum.
  5. What is the point to copy another server name? Is the 3rd server that open with same shared files, same name and same story. Use a "famous" server name will not guarantee you the success.
  6. Probably you can enable/disable it... you don't think?
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit:_Become_Human
  8. Yes, is what i said. nowdays is very hard that someone will join your project, spend time and wait for "incoming money".
  9. I think will be hard to find someone that will work for "free". Anyway .. good luck with your project!
  10. The best way is to use Notpad++ with NPPFtp plugins.
  11. poor guy that don't know l2 and come here for cry... where you see dagger with 11 dex? idiot, i'm using dagger stats are ok, damage ok, and server not 100% balanced but better then other for sure. so stop cry like kid and learn 2 play
  12. this server will be like l2eriu just changed name. a waste of time.
  13. maxcheaters.com --> l2j share section --> l2mythras files --> download --> ovh --> buy server machine --> put online server --> change some html --> put donation --> open server . another server with same story, but different name.
  14. direct x 12 can be used only in w10
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