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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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2264	 	                CHAR_TITLE              = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("CharTitle", "True")); 
2265	 	                ADD_CHAR_TITLE          = L2JModSettings.getProperty("CharAddTitle", "L2JValor Project"); 

Hms i guess you are right.

But trysk should mention that he isnt based on l2j :D ( You are the only one who read something like that )

He also remove the same customs as the project had.



L2JValor had about 50 commits, just few customs, these are already deleted. First time tryskell was thinking have many fixes and things added than original one l2j but he was wrong. So it's based on l2j...

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Next revision is long to come, because 7 SQLs will disappear (skills tree, enchant_skill tree, character templates, levelupgain, pledgeskills tree, fishingskills tree, account_data), 6 will be ported to XMLs (3 of them are merged in a unique way).


I added 22 skills enchantements aswell, missing in all known IL packs I know so far.


I have to correct 63 XMLs left (on around 100). Core side is already made, it's simply XML cleaning (postIL stuff).


ETA time 2 days if I'm lazy.



PS : I worked all godamn night on it, and finally commited it.


Changeset 175




And XML. That was long, and the DP side still needs some corrections/verifications. I ported 6 SQLs to XMLs. 3 SQLs have been merged, the data has been splitted according to class ("data/xml/classes" folder). The 3 others SQLs => XMLs have been moved under "data/xml/skillstrees" folder. An effort has been made on informations loading (drop of useless stuff, enlighten XMLs structures) aswell.


Added to that:

- 22 enchantement skills (IL ones) have been added. Those datas are unique - as handmaded by me - so enjoy :P ;

- a packet exploit on skill acquire has been fixed ;

- a useless message has been dropped when you close enchant/acquire skill windows ;

- Lucky skill isn't shown anymore on trainer skilllist ;

- 2-3 methods are improved (no checks on shortcuts when a passive skill is removed, Lucky skill check method doesn't remove skill at any level) ;

- Mobs are supposed to do magical critical now. At least, they got a default stat now.


The memory drop is around 10mo. The pack has been tested in the installation process aswell.

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Changeset 176


Four Sepulchers part I + misc


Four Sepulchers (4S) has been implemented. Plenty of bugs still exist, but will be corrected at part II (waiting for you to make reports). For the moment, following has been added :

- main instance + the 2 NPCs instances.

- spawnlist "spawnlist_4s.sql", and HTMs "sepulchers" folder (ripe of "default" folder).

- addition of missing NPCs spawns on spawnlist.sql, minus spawns of 4S mobs (handled in "spawnlist_4s.sql").

- Q620_FourGoblets has been added.



- Tyrannosaurus aren't lethalable anymore.

- //invis, //vis, and //invis_menu => //hide command.

- GS shows "used" memory, not "free" memory anymore.

- refactor of SocialAction packet.

- "Patrols" guards chat window has been corrected.

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Changeset 178


Dimensional Rift, HotSprings IA, misc


Dimensional Rift -- fully refactored using Freya.

- addition of EarthQuake effect at room changes.

- give possibility to have more than 1 party in same rift, without interacting between them.

- correction of an misfunction using jump cards (4 jumps, not 5).

- fixed/verified values to be retail-like (2 players minimum, 480-600 sec, 4 jumps).

- fixed issue where you can spawn directly in Anakazel room (at startup or during jumping).

- Added message for tokens consumption.

- Fixed spawn of one Rift ziggurat teleporter.


HotSpings IA

- added a fully working HS IA, which upgrades the disease when the mob hits you.

- corrected durations of diseases (from 10 min to 1 hour).

- Added core implementation for that new stuff, under OnAttackAct (perfect for your custom events :P).



- Corrected Q153 typo, and fixed html -> htm (ty Vhalior).

- Cleaned postIL stuff related to epic jewels (ty Sahar).

- Added the 3 missing L2PetTown (ty extel).

- Fixed some links in htmls.

- Added SuicideAttack behavior on "NPC Death Bomb".

- fixed eventual NPEs at quest engine.

- fixed previous rework on items reuse durations. It now take the longest time between items reuse and skill reuse.

- some cleanup at L2Npc onBypass.

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acis have phx protection?

read the thread before you post, ty..



btw as some of you saw already, we "advanced" to smf 2.0 also with a new theme :)

take care.

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Since we up to SMF 2.0, some bugs (such as the bots stuff) came. Wait for Sido to correct them.



Project will soon enter in a dark day. For people who got forum access, please read here for full infos.


For a fast synopsis, I will soon have IRL issues (homeless) and couldn't guarantee project's developement as before. That is, project will be in standby if aCis community doesn't help.


I search someone trustable who want to take the regency time i'm out. Only people I already talk with and I judge for their "good" (not the current "good" level of MxC level, you know... All MxC consider themselves as L2J developer when they can't even use a diff patch correctly) developement skills can talk with me about that. Consider don't PM me if you don't fit.


I don't search someone for innovative stuff, but to correct things following retail. I don't search someone who got - too much - initiative. If you can follow simple orders/directives, and got a decent level of knowledge, that is fine.



As I told in the aCis forum post, the fact I'm off doesn't mean aCis community has to sleep. This is currently the versus. Community has to be active when I will be out.


That means organizing helpers:

- retail infos finders (videos, forums, etc)

- coders

- testers dedicated to test the current stuff coders code.


Finally, the fact I'm off doesn't mean project will close. Currently, with some organization from current community, it could be as I'm not even off.




The probable ETA time commits will stop from me is 1 week (end of that month).


I would appreciate if MxC staff unstick the topic, you keep it active to avoid deletion.

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No comment I was crushed. . . . . . . . We talk on msn.


PS: Haha I'm still in the team from first day :D https://www.assembla.com/spaces/acis_project/team

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No comment I was crushed. . . . . . . . We talk on msn.


PS: Haha I'm still in the team from first day :D https://www.assembla.com/spaces/acis_project/team


No reason I remove you until you break the trust I got for you ^^.

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