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Coronavirus Poll.


Do you think Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 real or not?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 real or not?

    • Yes of course its real.
    • No its all fake.
  2. 2. Do you think Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 is made in lab?

    • Yes, its made in laboratory.
    • No its from nature.

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This is just simple question. Nowadays a lot of conspiracy theories are said. What is true? Vote and if you want reply your thoughts. 

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  • Maxtor pinned this topic

how out of touch someone has to be to call it fake? basic biology education teaches about viruses and bacteria

we had hundreds of these in human history and new will come after this one.


It didn't had to be created in the lab (but ofc could), viruses mutate/evolve in the wild just like anything other than rock, it really doesn't take a lot for something non-harmful become deadly in few mutation cycles.


Conspiracy theories are mostly spread by lack of education.

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  • 1 year later...

Soooo much I would like to say about this, but it doesn't give me xp... 😆


First of all, it's not fake. That part, is obvious. The virus exists and it's deadly, in certain circumstances.


There are a lot of things though that are fake and I don't mean the conspiracy theories / fake news.


Yes, there is a lot of misinformation and a lot of speculation. But also, the numbers that are published everyday are absolutely not accurate! And this has been verified. How the whole situation has been handled by media and governments is simply absurd. A lot of information that is not in the interest of the big pharmaceuticals / companies / banks etc, is being constantly filtered. And no, this is not a theory. I work inside that field so, I know what's being shown to the public and what not. Media is the main tool of control nowadays and it is being used in its full potential in this Covid thing.


The way it is being used in order to mass control population is scary. And I'm not referring only to the present but also to what it will bring in short-mid term. There is no freedom of choice nowadays or freedom of speech. Everything that passes on the TV or news channels is taken as the absolute truth and people don't even dare to question that. And I don't blame them because again, if they go on google, later on, and try to research some other source, it has already been filtered accordingly (this is not a theory, it happens every second). You should be free to say "this is a scheme and we are all being manipulated", without being ridiculed and excluded the very next moment. Following the same topic, there's almost no need for police nowadays. Society itself is controlling. People make sure to criticize and to condemn everything that is not according to the labels established and proliferated by the media. Example: where I live, people don't necessarily need to wear masks on the street, even though it is STRONGLY advised by the media to do so. If you decide to walk around without the mask, people that are following those advises look at you and criticize you and there are even cases of physical aggression towards the "black sheep".


If we stop for a minute to think in who's interest would it be to question these numbers and to present other information than the one given by the media, what would be the answer? Who would be behind the scenes making money by wanting people to have their rights back?


Now, stop for another minute and think about who would be interested to continue making money and massively controlling population, depriving it from its freedom of choice, speech and movement.



No mask, no entry.



No vaccine, no job.


Someday soon:

No microchip, no rights.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It’s another fake shit made in lab, virus evolution from animal base on human base need at least 700-800 years, all this shit was made in lab, its another flu virus. By do way cocaine helps prevent virus.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

All this leads to mark of the beast,


Look the similarities that John wrote 2000years ago in the book of Revelation chapter 13.


Now they do it on the name of Health tomorrow on the name of the Beast.


  • Haha 2
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2 hours ago, Bearus said:

All this leads to mark of the beast,


Look the similarities that John wrote 2000years ago in the book of Revelation chapter 13.


Now they do it on the name of Health tomorrow on the name of the Beast.


I not religious but l must admit that lots of shit going on in this world and not for better life for sure 🙂

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3 hours ago, MrTitanas said:

I not religious but l must admit that lots of shit going on in this world and not for better life for sure 🙂

The Almighty God lives & exist at least for me i have enough proofs about it for myself always  because i was not religious too but after researching it about 1 year i chaged my mind, the big brother is coming for us who you think is the big brother? this world gonna live the worlds worst tyrrany ever thats facts you can see the mindblowing messures, in austria mandatory vacc or else bug fines or jail for 1 month, and except that i smell war coming too, i mean you can laugh about what i think but dont be surprised if ull see that happening infront of youe eyes in the very near future Nato Vs Russia this shit is boiling boiler but Im conspiracy theorist hehe so dont take it for granted.

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An all-out war doesn't benefit anyone in this world. Economies are so tightly tied together that we would all lose. The "wars" of today are carried out through economical sanctions and cyber attacks. The bible is a good story and god doesn't exist.

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22 hours ago, Romotheone said:

An all-out war doesn't benefit anyone in this world. Economies are so tightly tied together that we would all lose. The "wars" of today are carried out through economical sanctions and cyber attacks. The bible is a good story and god doesn't exist.

ofc an war doesnt benefit anyone how it could when it brings the disaster specialy a war in that scale nato v russia, i dont know the future but there is a good chance a crisis can brake out between them two is just the escalation in this area right now if you wathcing it and just my thoughts,


as for the Almighty Jesus Christ for you he doesnt if you say so, i dont just belive but i also know, just a brief research about the Orthodoxy and history conbined you ll understand too, but the problem is that people dont search for God cause wr have a plate to eat we have all the comforts we have all the pleasures why would god exist right when we have everything? Well lets see at the end when we finaly will need god, whom you will ask to help people or the one you blasphemy? im speaking in general.



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  • 3 months later...
On 11/27/2021 at 5:53 PM, Bearus said:

ofc an war doesnt benefit anyone how it could when it brings the disaster specialy a war in that scale nato v russia, i dont know the future but there is a good chance a crisis can brake out between them two is just the escalation in this area right now if you wathcing it and just my thoughts,


as for the Almighty Jesus Christ for you he doesnt if you say so, i dont just belive but i also know, just a brief research about the Orthodoxy and history conbined you ll understand too, but the problem is that people dont search for God cause wr have a plate to eat we have all the comforts we have all the pleasures why would god exist right when we have everything? Well lets see at the end when we finaly will need god, whom you will ask to help people or the one you blasphemy? im speaking in general.




I'm a bit out of date, but this is some mega crap right here. The almighty jesus, how funny, you would think such an extraordinary creature/person/w.e would have been documented by numerous historians than lived during/shortly after his time right? One might also conclude that jesus should have been really unique, if he was the one true savior, or am I mistaken?


Check again, the only documentation of Jesus Christ as a historical figure was made by Flavius Josephus, which has long been proven to be a fraud. Uniqueness? Numerous religions have prophets that are identical to jesus. Some examples include Dionysus, Mithras, Horus, Attis. (all born 25 december, all died then resurrected, all had 12 disciples/students/brothers/friends)


Please educate yourself and do not take religious crap for a fact. If you feel the need to believe in something greater, it is more than understandable, but use your own thoughts and opinions on what such creature would be like and do not take artificial mind-controlling bs for a fact, religion is the reason for most wars in human history and for the most violent crimes ever committed. All in the name of our 'lord and savior'. Avoid using the word 'blasphemy', a nonsense word used to describe actions that are disliked by the stupid churches.


P.S. Watch Zeitgeist, but ignore the propaganda shit they throw in it just watch it for the facts.

Edited by An4rchy
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each of 5000 "documented" gods across the planet, somehow stopped to appear after cameras were invented lmao
Religions were made to control uneducated and train them to don't question any moves of these in power, you just had to slap "god" word here and there and say it will make imagined creature mad if you don't obey.

Thankfully education pushes ppl from such bullshit, we just need few more generations.

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