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high five [L2J] L2Raze


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i dont think any1 would play on such customized server but indeed, it looks nice.

yes, because ppl play on HR servers for retial-like game experience?

not sure if trolling or retard...

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Its funny how their facebook page has 15k likes but their posts barely get any likes or replies....

It's because they use a exploit in the facebook like system, remove the like and go to there site make's you automaticly like the page again (doesn't mather if you close the facebook popup, you will still like there page).

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It's because they use a exploit in the facebook like system, remove the like and go to there site make's you automaticly like the page again (doesn't mather if you close the facebook popup, you will still like there page).

lol. you can block the page and report it .. 

you re new to internet?

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Indeed about the server, its one of the most worked projects, many customs which make server unique, but as I said on my previous post, community nowdays doesn't like such servers and  that's unfair in my opinion.

They keep playing same and same style boring servers w/o anti bot protection, they use every kind of cheat like tower/l2net/zranger, and they dont play on different ones  like Raze which is the only pvp server with anti bot...weird l2 community.

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Indeed about the server, its one of the most worked projects, many customs which make server unique, but as I said on my previous post, community nowdays doesn't like such servers and  that's unfair in my opinion.

They keep playing same and same style boring servers w/o anti bot protection, they use every kind of cheat like tower/l2net/zranger, and they dont play on different ones  like Raze which is the only pvp server with anti bot...weird l2 community.

i think u not join party league at raze))))))))))))))))


u will see how stronkk adrenaline party own all 

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