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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. all lineage.ru servers use cliExt, dunno which version but you may check if it differs on other chronicles =)
  2. not possible out of the box, but would be possible with pipe<->tcp proxy and manual injection, gl xD
  3. ofc you can, still this soft spoof some basic PC data and allow to run each client with separated socks5 + most important manager with track of DC/crash and auto relogin (using NA launcher). I would say 500kk of sold adena is fair price for comfort it gives :D @up mutlibox for NA has other price and keys.
  4. take autoAug script and change it for clicking on enchant window, both work exactly same way xD item.enchantlevel to know when to stop
  5. that old lottery npc located near gk in each town or ncW had some exclusive ? from glory days ninja weekly update (2012): that would be 3rd game braking exploit from glory days, 2 other comes from no validation of user requests so i wouldn't be surprised if this one also works like this.
  6. suspending game is exactly what above youtube vid does.
  7. such arg is set to read-only inside given function, you use it for safty / clarity and also optimization cuz compiler won't assume you may change these vars
  8. avoid it, it's ultimate crap. Atm the only popular antibot which is often updated is smartguard, but it doesn't protect you from adrenalin even if they tries you may also ask this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/74547-szakalaka/ he developed own antibot, even some servers was using it.
  9. at some point when you know basics you start to enjoy learning new things and actually love programing while resolving new problems, true storki
  10. use cracked on some other server, paid is almost same but works on more servers than tales only :D
  11. do you even common sense bro? 1b costs around 30$ on officials and demand is still good, who ever discovered any exploit make own use out of it.
  12. it can't be perm fixed, they can limit by ip, account or hwid so you can still abuse it if u got time to waste
  13. everything is possible, but without paying you can suck own dick (or ahyleg's if stalone will be busy).
  14. not sure if stupid or troll? do u see difference between hiding bot from some antibot detection and nonexistent support for completely new chronicle?
  15. use brain, when 1.71 was released, there was no classic at all
  16. the only adena seller on Core i trust =)
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