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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. some website, forum, info ? or just feel like droping link from empty account is enough? :D
  2. first half of your post is one fucking nonsense, according to your logic we all should build own houses by ourself instead of hiring team of ppl who do it for life XD to sum up, you bash admin cuz what hes server offers doesn't meet your standards lol, you can simple quit and go play official if you can't stand bugs, people who decided to play l2j simply doesn't care if something is broken, game suppose to be fun not 100% clone of formulas, for what? just so you can abuse some off-like "not broken" othel mechanics ? :D Main problem with god files is noone really work on them beside russians, 99% of community plays on 1key-interlude or 2key-highfive, so until it change i wouldn't expect any l2j god to be even close to off-like.
  3. all your mems are used randomly, disgusting attempt to look funny.
  4. buyer would have to send 2k invites and then get accepted to start spaming and hope he wont be deleted after first try, best deal :D
  5. autofarm scripts are shared for free on adr forums, gl xD
  6. romo gypsies can afford own PC? wow, im suprised.
  7. Akumu sent you PM with death threats because of this hacking tutorial? :D
  8. not sure if retard or serious? sorry to ruin your world, but all these engine functions you like so much end up as packet added to outgoing network queue, lol.
  9. this, whats the problem in keeping track of all npcs spawn/despawn/status updates/moves and build own mobs list based purely on packets data? easiest solution for simple picking of targets :D
  10. "This content is not available at your territory due to limited copyright" :C
  11. but who gonna fight bots monopoly if not you :C
  12. ignore him, he's just jealous of yours true hacking knowledge.
  13. oki, i would call it passive aggressive :D i ofc agree these ru files are overpriced as fuck, i play this server myself and there is lot of even basic stuff broken, but is there better alternative file-wise? admin push ruskie with fixes and server is in spite of all still enjoyable mid rate with no game-braking bugs - for my causal playing its more than enough.
  14. seriously, your l2shitnity friends pack put a lot of effort to post bullshit in this topic, wonder where is the reason of that ? as for exploits on offi, after seeing myself character with 8 classes stucked into one on innova core and at least 2 bugged quests allowing infinity reward, nothing impresses me anymore :D
  15. this topic proves once again that CZ hackers are best hackers
  16. afaik SG has few other options for box limiting beside mac of first nic, so it won't help for each server
  17. then you are clearly looking to scam someone, 1-post accs registered just to post here are legit as fuck :D
  18. it might be hard to believe in the era of h5/interludes starting in tons each day and sharing average online of 100 shops xD maybe ppl get bored finally of F1 archers? i hope so :D
  19. you prolly mistaken me with someone else who told you the same, many of such ? :not bad: I found out you are banned here for selling low quality, overpriced crap and it just so happens that i had to use one of your pages on priv server i play (playertheia) - its utter shit.
  20. will that server looks like your "web design" aka ripped from other source and generally looking like shit? no hate, just asking
  21. you look mad, put that effort into not scaming ppl with your ripped "web designs" and other shit quality services.
  22. actually its most populated GOD private server out there, declared online on prime time is far from being fake just by looking on shout/market/oly/bosses/clans.
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