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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. and then all interludes and h5 serbidors will disappear overnight :D
  2. it supports NCwest only right now, anyway price is decent since it comes together with 1-85 leveling.
  3. clueless with basic english or skipped "that" is grammar mistake for your greek-brain? XD
  4. how exactly did you "pwn"? can't tell because i didn't bother to read your 2 walls of excuses... if you steal someone works just have some honor to admit it scrub.
  5. brainDenied create new report each few days, kind of kiddo who runs to mom each time someone insults him, disgusting failure XD better go back to stealing someones else projects and claim you made them.
  6. talesky so empty even phantoms will log out
  7. wat so this project doesn't aim to downgrade helios into interlude?
  8. now i understand why ahujek was also promoting l2mid, thats like trio going on XD
  9. nah, he's not sucking stalonky dick anymore, now we call it "being bored at work" :D
  10. that's best interlude pack out there, fully recommend to try it out, tryskell can suck it!
  11. obviously ahujek, year ago you was barking on him and now again on dick, for free? :D
  12. you need to realize ahujek was asked to spam/promote it here, while all other of you do it for free ...like sluts XD
  13. each one of these was made to fuck with ppl social life and to absorb their souls, so there is no better one and all are equally bad.
  14. greek developers are best, so obviously i would go for tales, but on the other hand playing alone on server with few k phantoms might be borring, so in the end averia wins.
  15. photoshoping some random girl to hold your nick in signature is not pathetic at all, fucking virgins
  16. averia - active ru community - top files - tits tales - non existent pvp - snake hunter XD - fake-viewed twitch cam whore - 5k phantoms for giran screens - donate for multi skills/epics/weapons+10 from day 1 - LT and GR subhumans trying to achieve something out of miserable lifes - ??? - 5 days server, ez
  17. last tales was empty without ddoses :D
  18. averia starts 15th, why did you even bother creating this topic? can be simply deleted, yet another empty tales edition :D
  19. all these images with his nick photoshoped in, fucking virgin XD
  20. last tales had 200 players and disappeared in 2 weeks, all epics was up whole time, GM got hacked, and now you expect 3k, ok XD
  21. 100 online, 3k phantoms incoming, can't wait for new giran gathering XD but i admire stalonky is still able to milk cash from these subhumans, that's achievement.
  22. ah yeah, forgot about that fail :D:D anyway tales also had GM acc hijacked, seems its common to setup pasword123 and no hwid bind on gm accs XD
  23. what party, pls XD whole farm in last 2 years of l2j mids is done with adrenalin scripts and without bothering about some random paries (which doesn't exist anyway), you just care about some pvps in first weeks while ppl still play, but here we come to l2j quality - skills formulas made by half brain greeks, no thx. i did login on dex beta and it looks like they did their homework and aim to gather community from these joke h5 javas - mp pots, buffer, alt+b shop/teleports, 2 weeks oly, so it might be successful online-wise and i would be glad to see proper l2off server with ez farm, noone is going to tryhard at summer :D
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