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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. rotfl, it wasn't me who was pathetic enough to crawl thru all posts and find some wrongly given points, do you even work in your 3rd world syrian province? or it's just your way to spend free time - being useless and retarded ? :D
  2. at least @baksteen try to pull some decent lines, while @accessdanied just keep repeating himself and spamin x0ax0a0xa like greek retard as a judge, my vote goes to baksteen, ggez
  3. you spent your own free time on looking thru some random posts of unknown people at gaming forum :not bad:
  4. keep him banned, i had "pleasure" to use website made by him: http://playertheia.com/ utter shit and blizzard web rip off, he actually sold that, gg
  5. server shows there is interest in such chronicle and its good, recommend everyone to try it. sad thing is, these l2scripts.ru are one big scam to sell something like this, there are so many not working features that i ask my self if they even tested anything or just ported h5 code into new client support :D
  6. while we are on topic, RequestHardWareInfo is sent to server on login attempt or on request?
  7. someone get GM access? :D wonder if these 30 players online even noticed
  8. im actually surprised GOD priv has that many ppl and im far from believing any counter or hordes of "real afkers" in town, it's just look healthy geodata and patchfinding is funny but not terrible (hope oly arenas will be decent), there are lot of small bugs in npcs/spawns/mobs stats but didn't yet face anything serious, time will show :D
  9. i expect ocean of handless h5 players, so donated items doesn't really bother me :D
  10. after nearly 2 years out of L2, here im, downloading your client :D i only hope for enough online for some nice olympiad.
  11. what kind of shit gaming mouse is that, if you can't bind these buttons using stock software? :D
  12. smartguard = no free botting, get over it and find job instead of playing games :D
  13. i see few D grades real players chatting, isn't chat limited till 70 or so? :not bad:
  14. changing name is harder than making new acc and you kinda admit current details are fake so contacting support may go in wrong direction :D you can close your account in main settings page (it will free up connected mails/bank data), before transferring any funds to new paypal i would first verify it with CC/Bank, cuz not verified accs have way bigger chance for security checks/temporary locks.
  15. afaik only 1 personal account and 1 bussines account is allowed for same person, but yeah, you can use multiple accounts but i guess if you will transfer a lot of cash between same IP it may trigger some security check
  16. invoice/gift or any other method won't protect you from chargebacks so yeah, you can't fully protect yourself on paypal also, that ID/address verification is standard procedure for EU countries after 2k or 3k usd income in short time
  17. isn't czech one of country with average monthly salary below 400 euro? your posts fits perfectly in that cheap labor :D
  18. its not packet protection, to begin with :D
  19. oki, now im entirely convinced that i need 1 more processor, thanks just need to check if i got any SATA slot free
  20. damn i can't help, i got only one processor running at time =/ should i buy 1 more?
  21. yeah RSA is good point, you are each day closer to solving this mysterious puzzle!
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