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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. kidding? instead of hiding that, there should be step by step tutorial pinned somewhere so every greek can feel hackeur and join interlude final annihilation :D
  2. haha, knew it months ago edit: just open paypal dispute if you got scammed and say you didn't get offered product, ez
  3. if you still use l2jscripts, then you don't need testers - nothing works as it should, don't bother.
  4. negating fully working, first ever helios server, because someone else gonna play more? how fucking retard you have to be, to come with such nonsense XD these l2j subhumans are getting funnier each day.
  5. legit Helios, they also going to open Aion on last chapter my guess? Innova side project
  6. i wouldn't expect any braincells from end users :D getting license is not a problem if they already know you exist, they can msg you under any name, get in contact with someone banned for botting and ask for access and so on - no way to handle all cases.
  7. if you sell your private bot to unknown ppl it will not be private forever, author might limit sells and accept joke money, but even this way sooner or later you will face unhappy guy who will gladly post your files all over the net.
  8. adrenalin was also private for few months :D
  9. isn't he sells overpriced russian keys anyway? xD
  10. ppl are just used to tales-like "online", 10k spawned phantoms in each town, so they can make screens to fapfolder and donate... who wouldn't donate if serbidor had 29k and full towns, am i rite clowns?
  11. you still need smartguard to block all other bots :D
  12. exp runes are not game content and comes from other sources like l2store/donation/attendance check/daily reward/all kind of events
  13. you will have lot of new stuff to discover, because game changed a lot and require you to understand and get used to new mechanics/classes, pvp is way more dynamic, more skills is used, dmg is huge so good support in party means a lot, fast assist and follow with debuffs is key to drop targets effectively - if you spend some time for that, you will fast understand how slow and boring was pvp in previous chronicles ;D
  14. i totally agree that it might be the server on the scale of first rpg-clubs, still, more advertisement is needed for non-rus in that remaining 2 weeks which we have, i really hope there will be at least 10% of english speaking ppl :D
  15. wouldn't aim that high even if files are top tier, Helios/God is after all underrated and we still need time for int/h5 ppl to move on and try it, I also hope info about that server will spread better between non-rus players, maybe lets spam NA/EU off forums :DD
  16. new online record: 39k of real players (no bots at all) :happyforever:
  17. if you still look for ideas for your extender, i just remembered that there was confirmed exploit to dupe fame via Aden npc (the one on the middle, near monument), no info how it worked exactly, but you was able to get any number of fame (for PVP weapons etc), i recall there was npc dialog to remove PK points for fame so i guess that's the place to look for exploit.
  18. simple solutions like this will still filter big bunch of botters who can't handle proper configs, so it's better than nothing, but wouldn't base own server on such solution.
  19. and we wait for you to be banned for being useless trash and leecher, sadly doesn't seem to happen. also funny to see even your own idol took one hot piss on your dumb face.
  21. its BETA xD live server will have no GM shop at all and it will be x7 rates.
  22. any npc approach is plain waste of time, even with tons of customization you can offer :P - sending sysmsg, spamming chat, unique title, unique ID = easy to filter - you might apply some abnormal effect for target, but it will be hardly visible - there will be tons of poor english players who didn't understand warning and wonder why they are keep dying, and then quit sending html/tutorial window is better because it's visible instantly and takes all focus of legit player, captchas are good, because parsing htmls/ORCring require scripts and most of bot users are dumb.
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