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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. if you makeup stories in your head to explain why is everyone around wrong, it might be symptoms of mental problems. If we add to that your constant and desperate need to seek for attention of random internet people, it start to looks like permanent trauma you try to fight. Did your father put his sausage in tight place making you uncomfortable? you know, we are anonymous, you can speak it up to feel better !
  2. triggered again and i didn't even use magic "greek" word? you are nervous lately, LUL also, will just quote this part so you dont edit your post, clueless dumbo XD
  3. phx will still open and detect connections because it's not needed to block program itself, with traffic encryption you will be only able to capture random rubbish data with no practical use. Beside that, whoever has idea how to find and exploits bugs (and such ppl are mostly gone from l2) he won't even need/use phx, because its functionality can be achieved in number of other ways. is there brainDenied server comming up? because that would be decent comedy XD
  4. holy fuck, you are cleary clueless xD phx works as man in the middle bettwen client and server, with feature to inject own packets, if server has proper validation of user requests and monitor all flooding attempts (even with simple rate limit per socket), you won't be able to do anything extraordinary whats not possible with game only. Nowadays even biggest crap packs like l2jscripts are secure from blatant script kiddies attempts to dupe and people want to block phx just so it's not possible to simply bot/oe/augument with available scripts - any popular antibot has basic encryption of traffic to block that, because phx hooks only connect() so it won't get pass any addational encryption itself.
  5. just pm 2nd guy and you will get you key right away xD
  6. java beleths made by ppl who never did it on l2off, lul i wouldn't even call it 3%, nothing looks correct on that vid you got full AI laying on this forum, so it's not like you have to guess anything
  7. you might have even bigger success if you use Arena mode present in Grand Crusade (or there is separated client, not sure), client has lot of UI features for server like yours, there is even matchmaking :D //edit:
  8. not even remotely funny, but i guess thats some greek level of jokes so 1st world might not understand.
  9. brainDenied is just funny with his desperate need to impress someone, also, he forgot once again to add link to author.
  10. i like how you try to negate my post with "no proofs" and base own post on some google translated text by random account, while it was sure there is adr-SG deal going on, these texts might be edited by tottaly-not-l2jscripts to make them look even worse. Anyways, from my bot user pov i only profited from bot working fine. If averia agreed to pay 800usd, doesn't really matter how much work had to be done and what's funny, overpricing is one of reasons i hate l2jscripts for, they sell pure air with nice package and 1k price tag, now just added stealing with malware to their "sins list". If someone else did that i wouldn't give a fuck, but these trashes are too obvious here.
  11. talking (because from scrolling i didnt find if he actually did) about possible use of connected users to make extra cash to someone he knows is now "actual proven" ? I don't approve akumu shady deals, but in the end i find using malware to steal and discredit competition low bottom, and l2jScripts are known money hungry whores to offer overpriced shit and claiming it's gold, no wonders they had to do that :D
  12. you repeat same thing again and again, and that has nothing to do with my posts, down syndrome much? xD what made you think someone in here discuss where it's better to buy adena or if servers from spams are worth joining? damn, you dumb
  13. whole your "sensation" is only about akumu, even chapters titles are only about him, pcoder episode is overally skipped, maybe because he doesn't publish antibot like you do? and hiding behind antivirus detection is pure retarded, when your antibot has built in silent downloader and send user data to external server (lets assume for HWID only), what exactly stops you from pushing malware guard.des for selected users you don't like? nothing, and you clearly did :D
  14. to the yet another uneducated, lifeless greek above, who likes to bark before using brain the fact you or me don't buy stuff from sellers or even read them, doesn't mean others doesn't if someone consider donating and see spam of seller with half of price, there is chance he will go there and lower server income, people does donating and that's the only reason you see this forum still visited by few ppl is that simple enough this time? im not used to talk with braindead downers XD
  15. rotfl, that was obvious from first leak that russians who spammed this forum and spent thier time to translate this all - was you who else have any profit in stopping smartguard? basing on quality of your shit l2j packs i knew this "guard" will be 1 big malware, and once spread you will make u$e out of it XD will we soon see L2J-Scrips Bot ? :D
  16. this tool would be nice, if it would actually filter out spam and not just notify stuffers that some guy already spammed half of server :D to the greek above, do you even common sense? if everyone would buy adena from sellers only, servers would generate 0 profit and you wouldn't see 20 h5 mids starting each month on exactly same files xD there are still some legits who donate and such protection (if effective) can increase income for server.
  17. knew l2jscripts were garbage, but putting trojan in own "protection" is new level :D funny to see it worked tho, common sense would tell me to use separated PC for all crap of that kind.
  18. miscrosoft moved whole network to their cloud and changed protocol, so yeah, direct p2p and IP discovery isn't the case anymore.
  19. gj sherlock, you finally found out world is not fair and there will be always more privileged groups :D
  20. its like book example how monopoly and greed ends :D still, ronin is like year of development behind and they still didn't face any bigger obstacle, while adr had many (cracked, ddoses, all antibots), all comes down to determination to be on top.
  21. 7 posts, some whore in signature, posting nonsense and trying to be funny, looks like a great start to me :D while hoping it was just troll attempt, i would still like to enlighten you that active user who flames has bigger value than no user at all
  22. +1 for unbaning every non-scammer, there were ppl banned just because of flame :D
  23. another one i remember is agro bug, if you will target person who cast agro on you before he ends his cast, you will be able to change target once cast is finished even with debuff on - target lock will not work. Widely scripted back in times, still not fixed in most packs.
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