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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. averia has nice tits, you have retarded and fat snake hunter thats instant lose, gg ez
  2. smartguard updates too often for any free bot or published solution to work for long, so either adrenalin 1.99 or hands :D
  3. admin wanted some nigro to spam votes for his serbidor and seems he found one, gj :poker face:
  4. will snake hunter defend good name of tales network? will cartel gather 20k non-phantom players? will achyleg again swallow some dick for itemz? will stalonka survive attack of paid hitman? so many questions with no answer :C
  5. Bought 2b - all went fine and fast, fully recommend.
  6. you are serious now? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=winsock
  7. too bad phantoms doesn't donate )
  8. just read first page, are you retarded?
  9. 1 window license is ~7$, if you can't afford other one :D
  10. fail logic, privates have better antibots then offs nowadays :P
  11. if u can't use translator on web dont even download this bot - your are too stupid.
  12. consider creating regular forum instead of VK thread, so non-rus users would have place to talk/contribute.
  13. what exactly do you want to "build" there? all i see is bunch of ad spots and links to payments :not bad: you could just post your paypal address and ask for free cash :D anyway gl
  14. rotfl, i already see everyone rushing to buy ad on site with 0 content and 0 traffic :you serious?:
  15. IP is the only way to correlate webserver/gameserver user without using pre-generated links to vote, best solution would be to offer server owners list of partially masked IPs, like leaving last 2 blocks, so both privacy and security will be assured.
  16. its smartguard, so adrenalin 1.99 will work
  17. y, i had to refresh few times to get working questions xD
  18. he stated somewhere on his web, that development focuses on bot functionality first and they will look for ant-bots later
  19. packets. In general bot looks nice and can become good (and free :D) alternative to adrenaline =)
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