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Everything posted by AlmostGood

  1. actually Anarchy posted screen in his topic, so what are you trying to defend here lol the fact he left it like this and "fixed" after getting called out doesn't make it any better
  2. you go to competitors topic to post nosense and imaginary shits and i called you scammer like others, cuz you are selling backdoored shit for 100eur :D
  3. selling backdoored shit and barking on competitors, new level of greek retardness XD
  4. bufffs are sent to spectator, can be scripted server never send info who you will fight until teleported in, so that's bullshit or some custom l2j "features" which he abuse.
  5. Hi, im selling adena on 4game Ramona 1b = 22 USD / 19 EUR pm me
  6. this guy is clueless, tp "exploit" worked on all his servers since always, while other tales-clones fixed them right away i mean, fuck, you only need common sense and Ctrl+F on all .java files XD
  7. you should be banned long ago for selling ripped shit, so no idea why you cry here.
  8. there are only few with l2off GOD files gamecoast.net helios.ws (started today, fully rus) rpg-club.com (Ertheia, will start in few months)
  9. you mean someone is working on private server of this game? it will still suck, cuz these mobiles mmo's are too glitchy to provide any real pvp.
  10. wot? there is only KR and Asian ver, which are both nearly the same @up its yet another mobile mmo reusing already tested business/game model, they just added l2 textures/names to lure ppl.
  11. actually he's romo gipsy, which fits his stealing behavior perfectly, lul
  12. make forum, rebuild community, provide some more info so ppl will get attracted, gl =)
  13. l2tower resurrection? :D also "WTS" and "FULL PRIVATE" are not going together
  14. you need to send custom packet, so no better way than using 3rd soft or own hook of say2
  15. another bug i remember from GF, dunno if you already fixed it - when sending say2 msg with friends chatID, server was not properly checking if both players were on eachother friend list.
  16. what would you test on GC coming from interlude, how new armors looks like? rotfl
  17. just open paypal dispute or chargeback if he sold you shit and refuse support.
  18. you can't see whats the reason of packing own files and sell antibot, delusional retard lul on top of that asking 120 euro for something which can be checked inside out just by drag and drop into IDA and basic asm/win32 knowledge, simple fishing for clueless buyers.
  19. so, did stalonky break new record in faiils ? how long it was, 1 day? :DD
  20. who would go 3rd world country for vacations to begin with, if i would want to watch animals there are plenty of zoo's closer XD
  21. english please, and you didn't even get what i wrote, top greek antibot.
  22. GetUserNameA GetCurrentHwProfileA GetAdaptersInfo stronk hwid also ShellExecuteW in dsetup.dll doesn't look promising xD
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