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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. i think you just got your answer in the first reply to the topic :D players only really care about names, if you got a name (even if you stole it) then you'll pull players but even still, not likely to get a server to last beyond 1-2 months, 3 if you're really lucky and some other big name doesn't launch in that time "community" now consists of clans/streamers who get paid to play on servers and the peons who follow them, servers live and die based on which people they've allocated their "advertising" budget to.
  2. oh no not winsocks btw since when is winsocks considered legacy? all those fancy hipster libs everyone uses for networking still built on winsocks lol
  3. most people who are running c4 servers w/ vanganth atm aren't really running c4 client, they're using interlude system with dats changed to same as c4 and using interlude ext almost as-is except for some changes removed to be more c4-like and the npc/item/skill/etc scripts returned to c4 default - it's easiest path to get c4 w/ vanganths cuz you don't gotta do the work to remove the network changes
  4. well it's a ddos protection website which uses cloudflare to protect itself so i think that should be a good indicator of the quality of their service, if they don't protect their own site themselves.
  5. depends on which blowfish key but the static ones are in engine.dll you might be better off explaining why you think you need the blowfish key cuz i'm guessing you might actually need something else
  6. post the full linerror, just callstack is a bit useless
  7. oh boy you're definitely wrong, what i posted is the exact addresses you need to edit, they are all "mov xmm*, 4.0" lemme show a specific example from one of them, 0x7A882A then way way way further down in that function xmm13 is used as the multiplier to the damage value this is why it pays to know the asm rather than just pressing F5 in ida and looking at c-like code cuz you'd be hard press to spot this in all of that crap, but if you know the asm you know exactly what to look for so what you need to do to edit the crit rate from 4.0 to some other value, is you need to change all of those addresses I put in the previous post .text:00000000007A882A movlpd xmm13, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007A9071 movlpd xmm10, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007A98DA movlpd xmm9, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007AA14B movlpd xmm10, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007AFED5 movlpd xmm12, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007B274E movlpd xmm9, cs:qword_9CCFB0 overwrite the address they're pulling the 4.0 modifier from with the address to your own modifier double, if you're using vanganth's you'd do it like this double dMageCritPowerModifier = 2.0; g_HookManager.WriteRelativeAddress(0x7A882A, 3, &dMageCritPowerModifier, 0);
  8. .text:00000000007A882A movlpd xmm13, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007A9071 movlpd xmm10, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007A98DA movlpd xmm9, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007AA14B movlpd xmm10, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007AFED5 movlpd xmm12, cs:qword_9CCFB0 .text:00000000007B274E movlpd xmm9, cs:qword_9CCFB0 have fun
  9. cuz he's a spoiled l2j brat who's never had to deal with getting mssql connection from shared web hosts who have no intention of supporting mssql
  10. you already showed yourself to be a fail troll who has no clue what he's talking about, stop trying to recover from it. use pdo man, it's 2019, there's no reason you shouldn't be using it.
  11. bro ... not using old as shit insecure sql injectable functions which the fucking maker of discontinued AND REMOVED because they are shit and insecure is not "Enterprise rules" wtf you smoking holy crap
  12. actually it's extremely useful for if you're doing work for someone else who doesn't actually own the webserver or know anything about web shit at all, you ask any of those idiots "which module do you have enabled for mssql connections?" you're gonna get a blank fuckin stare as if you just asked them to build the space shuttle.... and "php_mssql.dll" ... no one in their right mind should be using that module anymore and EVERYONE should be using PDO in this day and age. Besides, both mssql_* and mysql_* function modules were deprecated in php since 5.5 and are removed completely in 7.0 so yeah no one should be on that shit anymore.
  13. Don't host in russia and don't live in russia then there's not a whole lot they can do, hell in 2007 one of my projects got DMCA takedown notice from ncsoft but my german host just forwarded the email to me and did nothing as DMCA covers USA not EU, given they're quoting a bunch of russian civil codes I expect most non-russian hosts aren't gonna pay it much notice.
  14. windows server 2012 is the absolute latest you can use, 2016 causes crashes with critical sections, sql doesn't matter use any version you like, i use 2016 cuz it has various fun new features like bulk importing logs in utf8 which you can't do on the older stuff
  15. such garbage from the l2j fanbois as always anyway, it's extremely pack-dependant, some are better coded than others and can handle more than others, I've worked with some which handled 3500 players without issue and some which have 500 garbage custom shit systems made by 12 year olds calling sleep in main threads for minutes so yeah it's pretty variable any decently populated l2j server still gotta reboot at least daily though, java loves dat ram and l2j devs love not knowing memory leaks are a thing even in java
  16. L2Server.exe -> User::Die -> look for call to User::ExpDown and work your way back from there, you'd need to know asm pretty well and have a spare few days to figure it out, I don't have the time for academic endeavors such as that these days or I'd attempt it If you're friendly with the advext guys you can bet they've already rewrote the whole User::Die func in a few of their exts (never been a fan of that style of working, porting whole func to C++ just for a small fix but hey to each their own), if they feeling nice maybe they'll give some info to you
  17. you're welcome to make a better one and post it for people to use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like he says, it gets the job done if you don't have anything else
  18. this might be a 4 year old post but had to bump it cuz finally found a post with the proper algorithm for fucking reuse delay on skill_pch2
  19. old timers at least remember the days back before there was actually info on forums, when info was kept locked up by a few people and no one helped anyone, hell you couldn't even pay someone to get info or setup a server for you back then you just had to figure it out, guess what? we figured it out i mean shit there's a fucking topic titled "HOW TO SETUP L2OFF SERVER" i would've sold my grandma for a topic like that for the c1 files back in 2005 which wasn't written in chinese
  20. bro, your friends are shit programmers and you're a shit sys admin then. db setup for all l2off which exists; step 1 create db lin2db create db lin2world create db lin2log (if you plan on using log server) ignore all other dbs cuz no one uses them and comm server is insecure step 2 run lin2db sql script run lin2world sql script run lin2log sql script (if you plan on using log server) step 3 create odbc file dsn for lin2db (can skip this step if using hAuthD) create odbc file dsn for lin2world create odbc file dsn for lin2log (if you plan on using log server) step 4 run the fucking server and type in your dsn names and user/pass jesus fuck man how the fuck can you not do that in 10 min? you come here with your dumbass dick measuring "I HAVE A TEAM OF HIGH END PROGRAMMERS" "I WAS PART OF ONE OF THE FIRST L2 SERVERS EVER <inserts name of server no one's heard of>" "IM A SYS ADMIN AND CANT DO IT" fucking get over yourself, you are not looking to play with a few buddies and neither is any retard around here who says they are, they all want to make $$$ and think they can get a free meal ticket to it EVEN WHEN THERE'S FREE SHIT ALL AROUND YOU this is a fucking topic with the SOURCE FUCKING CODE of an amazing fully working almost bug free fucking extender and that's STILL not enough??? FOR YOUR TEAM OF HIGH END PROGRAMMERS??? THEY CAN'T HIT A FUCKIN BUILD BUTTON IN VISUAL STUDIO?? give me a fuckin break guys what the fuck, talkin shit about "wahwahwah the games gonna die if u dont give me free files" inside a fucking topic with free fucking files in it what on earth is wrong with people and i dont even like advext or their team but that whiney ass shit just annoys the fuck out of me, and @Remorseadmin advext is fuckin expensive, i'm not saying they're not allowed to be it's their product they can set whatever price they want but lol @ "skilled and not expensive"
  21. you guys know no one cares about your drama right? like it's not even good drama yo
  22. Short answer is it depends on which server you're using. From c4 onwards (and in the c1 server via extenders) the L2Server has built-in protection for html links and bypasses, it caches all links and bypasses sent to the user for the last html and then when a link or bypass is requested it checks if that link or bypass was actually sent to the user. HOWEVER - in the later servers (don't know for sure about GF but 100% for HF) there exists exactly what you are talking about, client-based bypasses and links which are sent as fstring ids to the client rather than the actual bypass string (also some interface-based bypasses for stuff like manor and hero systems), so those cannot be cached and will cause a false flag if you have the bypass/link check turned on, as a result a lot of people (ncsoft included) just don't have that system enabled and so yes for those cases you can change those bypasses in the client to whatever the heck you want and if the AI doesn't have sufficient checks in place then it can cause exploitable issues. ncsoft is hugely susceptible to this and you end up with quests where they don't check if you've actually completed every single step of the quest process and you can finish quests early or in cases from the early days you could just spam a bypass and be given rewards for a quest you were never even on. AI best practice, kinda like web best practice, is to assume that every bypass being received could've been modified by the user and double/triple/quadruple check everything at every stage to be sure what they're requesting is something they're able to request and that they meet the requirements to request it
  23. nothing is 100% effective unless you pay big $ for private shit, but 10000% avoid smartguard cuz the dev (akumu) works with adrenalin dev (pcoder) so adrenalin will ALWAYS work on smartguard servers for adena sellers and works about 50% of the time for normal license holders of adrenalin - not to mention considering akumu is THAT shady, you really want his kernel driver running on ur pc? as far as "best" goes, it's pretty subjective, best against adrenalin changes every week, most are pretty solid against everything else though adrenalin is the only challenge for all of the decent antibots you'll find around atm
  24. guys he linked the source code come on, i know it's harder than double clicking an exe file but come on guys
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