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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. People have said l2 is dead for 15 years so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People are still here because of nostalgia, not because "at some point in time, we saw greatness in Lineage 2", l2 is objectively a shit game these days but we played it when we were young and it's just nostalgia for the good old days. Admins will always keep launching scam servers because it makes $$$, additionally if you make anything custom or innovative players won't join it, so no one is going to invest time and money into launching anything new and innovate in any way at all because you're punished for it in this community not rewarded. Players will always join scam servers because they go where everyone else goes like giant flocks of sheep, the big clan leaders are paid by scam server admins to join their server, so then the players follow the clans, that's not going to change because it works, pay the clans and you get players which then gets you money. There's no saving it, this is where we are now and that's it, nothing will change for the better because the community as a whole doesn't want anything better, if they did they'd do something about it.
  2. So usefulness really depends, if by useful you mean valuable, nah no one would pay for it. But if you do have L2NPC source from C4 like the log file you posted makes it appear, some people will find it very useful just for the info on various things internal to the server, it's nothing that is gonna make or break anything but some people (myself included) would be very interested to see it, even the super old incomplete source files from the C1 server which are floating around somewhere were very interesting to go through and understand how and why some things were done the way they were. It's more of an academic thing at this point for the people who would be interested.
  3. my brother maybe you picked bad example but that snippet of retail AI looks perfectly understandable to me and would to anyone who's spent 5 minutes working with retail AI you wanna talk headache, pity the oldschool fools like me who had to do C4 AI by hand in the compiled language back when it first leaked cuz there was no NASC available now THAT was a headache
  4. yeah they all shit that's for sure, i could forgive literally everything wrong with AA if it wasn't for that license bullshit for those who don't understand what i mean by that i opened a server with AA, closed after 3 months, 6 months later we went to re-open, AA wanted us to pay the 6 months of license which we didn't use, or he wouldn't activate license for our new server he couldn't understand why that's a problem, said it's standard business practice lol
  5. Yes get activeanticheat, but never close your server because he will make u pay for unused license time to use the license ever again, and better hope you don't find any bugs with the anticheat because the dev will tell you the bug doesn't exist even when you provide video proof or show him over teamviewer, and after fighting for weeks for him to acknowledge the bug exists, he still won't fix it good luck
  6. He's not, he gave (sold?) everything over to advext years ago and left for good
  7. Adrenaline can and does do that if you're in pcoder's special group, and since when is whether or not adrenaline can do something the benchmark for if something's possible? lol
  8. yes there's likely someone doing every single thing you've listed, people do all kinds of weird shit using new clients to look like old, using old servers to work on new chronicles, a few guys have every official version that basically exists, and l2j well just does l2j so yeah, all of it
  9. lin2db/lin2user from gracia final is basically the same and works fine i dont think this pack even includes logd so ofc there's no lin2log that error means run the cached as admin, or do what it tells u to do in the message and allow global object creation in group policy for your user, you'll get same error for all exes unless you run as admin or allow the permission in gp
  10. it is classic, essence, and main chronicle from 287 protocol, so actually it's more than just classic 3.0
  11. it's 287 protocol and 286 english client is widely available, it will be close enough to work, english htmls best bet is to find an l2j pack which ripped the english htmls for 286 from retail servers and do a quick parser to replace l2j links with the correct links from the korean htmls, shouldn't be the worst thing in the world to do compared to what's necessary for the db anyway
  12. no one does and anyone who has anything close isn't gonna share it
  13. there's some serious hidden gems in those files which i won't get into but suffice to say unless you manage to get ahold of correct leaked db for that version, those files won't run well enough to run a public server on
  14. c2 pack is in this share topic ProjectC2-Beta4.rar be warned, those files are full of critical bugs that'll fuck up your day if you try to run a server on them, but for nostalgia shit between friends or whatever it's perfect
  15. there's no backdoors in COEP but it never really reached the point where opening a server with it would be a wise idea anyway, fred stopped working on it after creating advext and i stopped working on it back before it got open sourced, these days you'd be better off doing a back port of gracia final server down to hellbound, much less total work for sure
  16. people still pay for it cuz there's not any supported alternatives, they could lower price by 50% but why would they, you say it would get them more customers but i doubt it would, there's 2 types of customers in l2, the guys who want the world for 200 euro, and the serious guys who will actually pay what work is worth, 50% lower price is not gonna get those 200 euro guys to pay for advext and will just lose them 50% of their income. advext has always been overpriced but if you don't want to put the work in yourself then you have to pay for someone else's work and that's always gonna cost good $$$, despite l2 being nearly end, dying, etc etc, you can still make 10k$ per server doing plug and play bullshit like everyone does these days, so the serious guys will always pay
  17. don't edit the db, just use cached admin functions
  18. why do you have such a boner for MT man, he doesn't love you back it's okay there's someone out there for you, i think it's time to move on already
  19. are you building in debug or release? either way its just character encoding set is wrong, but should be correct unless someone has been playing with project settings, try release build if you're not already, if still errors, in VS right click IlExt project and go to properties, where it says "Character Set", set it to "Use Unicode Character Set"
  20. a. this is not the help section b. now i've seen your duplicate topic in the actual help section idk, look at cached for any errors considering it's saying it's db error
  21. you have 2 options to control compiler optimizations using pragma directive, at the top of a file you don't want anything inside optimized #pragma optimize("", off) using project configuration right click the project, properties -> configuration properties -> c/c++ -> optimization -> set optimization to disabled though tbh i'm not sure it will ever not optimize instructions that have static values at compile time, never bothered trying
  22. It's AA's usual basic RC4 encryption, the keys are defined by the server which AA pulls at startup - you can still remove this encryption the standard way (using any engine load function) but your problem will be in getting a dll into the AA protected process to be able to call the engine functions, it can be done it's not that hard just no one's gonna do it for you for free.
  23. ncsoft only closed l2extreme, they then sent DMCA takedown notice to everyone listed on gamesites200, my server included, most servers at that time just ignored the takedown notices and moved hosting providers, ncsoft took no further action against any other servers this is likely to be the same situation except it has much MUCH less reach than ncsoft's action did back then, as innova can only use RU law which has no international agreements in place for copyright like USA's DMCA does
  24. they don't have any reach outside of RU because they don't own the IP outside of RU, they only have it licensed for RU, it's very unlikely anything will happen other than domain blocks inside RU, and maybe seizing of any .ru domains, if any of the owners are inside RU sphere of influence they might not be in such a great position but anyone in EU or literally any other western country will be untouchable by RU law. and putin not gonna send hit squads after private server owners so it's all a bunch of hot air, it's not first time innova has gone takedown crazy, they nuked a bunch of drop db and info sites in RU a few years back, nothing came of it in the end
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