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Everything posted by Zake

  1. When you realise that your profit in 9 years is equal to a random 1 week server's one xD
  2. Well whenever a player requests to cast a skill, if he meets the requirements server sends to client MagicSkillUse packet which holds information for the skill, source and target location(x, y, z respectively). All these information are handled by client. What you can try to do server-side is to change source location to dummy location (0, 0, 0) or something. Although im not sure if this is going to work as intented + it's a crappy way to do. The best way is to handle this on client (removing the animation from source or something). Soulshots are handled on a different way. Animation on caster is a MagicSkillUse packet while animation on target is handled through Attack server packet.
  3. I don't think anyone is going to do this for free, you can try to code this on your own and ask for help if you run into problems.
  4. If you are talking about this it's kinda old. I doubt that you will find any around.
  5. Something is wrong with your pastebin link, https://prnt.sc/1vzcjeg
  6. In case it's a new acis version we won't be able to help you.
  7. Is there any evidence that he introduced his name as the author? If he was asked to edit the map and create geodata i don't see any scam. People ask me to edit other dev's stuff almost every day, that doesn't make me a scammer.
  8. You'd better use your own imagination in order to make your server fun to play.
  9. You can search in your source which file loads this txt and see how data are parsed. Edit: Topic moved to help section.
  10. Remove static modifier from list, parse a bunch of locations in ZoneManager for each zone, do some data entry on each boss xml. Quick examples: forEach(zoneNode, "location", locationNode -> { temp.addLocation(parseLocation(locationNode)); //you will have to implement this method on abstract ZoneType class or directly in this type of zone depending on ur needs. }); <zone shape="Cylinder" minZ="1" maxZ="1" rad="1"> <node x="1" y="2"/> <location x="1" y="1" z="1" /> </zone> numbers on 2nd one are placeholders. You will need accesor methods like getRandomLocation() for each zone too.
  11. 16 for gs would be more than enough, 1-2 for login.
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