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Everything posted by Zake

  1. This depends on a lot of stuff. Excected player count, your budget, ddos protection, even your pack. As for the ddos protection people seem to like ovh's network. About pc specs, you can make a small research on benchmark sites. Example for cpu benchmarks https://www.cpubenchmark.net
  2. And i guess is that it's spammable through potions, toggle skills etc?
  3. There would be no important difference on your resources. Also, there is a huge disadvantage on this, db connections will be delayed especially if the database is on a home computer. Long story short, it's 2022, you can order a dedicated machine with a decent cpu and nvme disk at very legit prices.
  4. Did you change max level from Experience class?
  5. https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j-server-datapack/src/develop/src/main/java/com/l2jserver/datapack/instances/Kamaloka/Kamaloka.java
  6. Μπορείς να δώσεις περισσότερες πληροφορίες;
  7. All npcs have templates, you can parse a value like isLethalable. Then go to formulas -> calcLethalRate and return false if target is not lethalable.
  8. All you need is a couple of commands in order to setup java/mysql which you can easily find on google. Then 5 commands in order to run server. If you want to transfer data filezilla is the way to go.
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