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Everything posted by Zake

  1. Are you asking opinions on whether a random interval should exist or you can't find a method/variable call of this?
  2. Line 363 is empty in your paste above Anyway most likely npe comes from InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player) You will have to debug why it's null
  3. Would you like to be more specific?
  4. Which client? Also a video would help so that we can understand this "screen freeze"
  5. It's trying to find a database named "friend". You either have to create such a database or change database name in your configs.
  6. https://prnt.sc/tg0fX6_DFd1q this means that your project has errors, you have to fix them first
  7. First you need to add a JRE to eclipse (Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs -> Add) Then right click on your project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> double click on the current JRE library -> Alternate JRE (and select the one that you have added above) If you have already compiled the pack with another java version you will probably have to do a few more steps. -Click on your project on package explorer. -Go to the top left and find Source -> Clean up -Right click on build.xml -> run as -> External Tools Configurations -> JRE -> Separate JRE -> select the one that you want to use -> Apply -> Run
  8. You should mention pack/client. Also use pastebin for large parts of code
  9. The best option for il would be acis. Although, there's no perfect option.
  10. Is this the only error that you get? Also which pack and client do you use?
  11. You need to find which factors affect those rates and include them in that formula.
  12. Then would you mind giving us more information?
  13. You can debug the content of the StringTokenizer at this given time
  14. Go to SchemeBuffer.java on line 94 and spot that missing element.
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