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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Nice paint skills. That ad looks pretty unprofessional, doesnt it?
  2. Obviously it wont work. Do you think they are that stupid to not read forums? u just literally spoonfed them your ways, so
  3. They will show those ads at tv? Thats some next level of tryhardness :D
  4. Everyone is expert in something; people will play u for the service you are master in, if you dont know how to do something, then u are the one givin money, at least thats how i interpret the situation And to script, isnt it on tower forum?
  5. haha, i stopped the public version of stabguard :) Still, its not bad, but i dont like idea of putting any letters into avatar, anyways nice job :)
  6. Hello. So it came to a time when im gettin bored with that grey guy in my portrait :) I am lookin for inspirations (and maybe someone who would like to create :D ) some cool avatar for someone of my kind. Not "too much", not some 1337 letter rain or such shit, just something in good style... Do you have any concepts? Greetz
  7. Didnt u relise u will not find it? Why do u need it so badly? Whats so special about it?
  8. He posted in cheats, so he prolly wanted some client exploit
  9. Haha, the legendary Fyyre, i love all your work, not only L2, all the reverse engineering, ur great guy in those things, my hat's off to you
  10. ur using wrong client. This is lameguard message, not clean folder
  11. Literally the laziest ass ever born. gtfo
  12. What i was talkin about was how L2 manages the packets internally. It listens with one thread which is responsible for writing the data buffer, then decrypting it and adding to "NewtorkQueue" (thats how its called inside game) which parses the packet and calls appropriate handler for it :) Does it work only for clean client with default encryption? And do u sniff it with external sniffer or you are inside process?
  13. No matter how packts are encrpyted they will be decrypted before being added to network queue
  14. Oh a font topic, what font would best fit my 2 days old creation? The classic ~ console :D For curious people, right now it parses commands and knows only Engine.UseSkill(int ID); Gotta fill the abstract factory :D
  15. Of course u can, if only u know how the gameguard scan things and how such tools work like
  16. Can someone explain what a hooklibrary is? ^_^
  17. Its hillarious. Firefox also blocks the download, and to be even funnier.. they say that u have to deactivate AV before download ^^
  18. What are u goin to do with it now? And btwm are they still using themida from 6 years ago? ^^
  19. Hahaha, so u can use old system? WHat a shitty antibot XD
  20. I remember i had similar issue with infinite olympiad, put a 15 min break, make it start at 0:00 and end at 23:45, it worked for me
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