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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. u cant do this. Sos and flame icon clear eachother, but as far as i remember (didnt play l2 for ages) you could use AI with FI, and zealot with FI or SOS. If you are goin for the blunt massacre then zealot/ai + fi + cc + good buffs is like x80 power. Add apeetitte to it and u hit for 200k :)
  2. The demo version usually is incomplete, so it does not have all functions implemented.
  3. Guys please read the topic xD I turned the server off like 3 months ago
  4. You should fuckin appreciate his work and not look for illegaly modified bot, but buy it from owner. Show some respect for his work, the price is minimal
  5. Well thats enough to stop all the skids :)
  6. It's hilarious that people who know jack shit about bots are talkin most :D
  7. They got small update which changed addresses and added checks on Say and Say2 engine fucntions, but nothing big, still can be disabled easly ^^ http://i.imgur.com/pxs0mGD.jpg And it is easly possible to stop adreanline but all antibots currently existing are just poor
  8. Its very easy. That antibot literally gave me cancer, its so poorly coded and i cry everytime my cpu has to execute that code. Btw its just remade public MU Online antibot :D
  9. Do you think we are magicians? Maybe code DEADBEEF? Be more specific and give as muc hdetaisl as possible if u want someone to help you..
  10. Yeah 1 post guy shares suspicious link and then some russian guy registered 5 min ago confirms :D Legit :D as fuck :D
  11. Huh then go to l2jserver site and download the compiled package?
  12. Hw ban? You mean u try it and u cant login anymore at all?
  13. Well that proves how bad is smartguard, renaming adr name allows u to load it xDD To bypass tower u actually have to patch SG's checks inside process to blind him from seeing hooks and some function calls
  14. L2guardians is using it (not sure if the server is still alive tho). Im trying to do some optimalizations but as far as i know 99% of players could play well, and noone was botting
  15. Its not that easy, but sure maybe i will give it a try
  16. Found a while for that thing and did it ^^
  17. afaik it was opening handle to every process and checking the patterns to see if its any of the listed bots. I'd have to check old soruces for that but im sure u can do it urself :)
  18. So u mean kernel mode driver which patches the lists. Well there are several user mode solutions which are much safer and will nto cause bluescreen whe nused wrong way :D
  19. What are "hide tools"? Maybe be more speicific if u want someone to help you??
  20. Its not about game knowledge, its about programming
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