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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Seems like you are using some premade program. You will not find the names without digging in game
  2. It comes from analysis under debugger and knowledge of the game client. Btw, what for do you need the bbs names? :)
  3. Just put a breakpoint on RequestBypassToServer, select the sub window (gk, bbs shop) and check the string when BP hits I had a little while so i did it for u on tales server. As u see packet has 2 params c = packet id = 23 and S = pointer to the selected window's name alt+b 0018AB08 7CB40000 0018AB0C 20510804 ASCII "cS" 0018AB10 00000023 0018AB14 0018ADB0 UNICODE "_bbshome" services 0018BD38 7CB40000 0018BD3C 20510804 ASCII "cS" 0018BD40 00000023 0018BD44 0018BFE0 UNICODE "_bbsgetfav" GM Shop 0018D018 7CB40000 0018D01C 20510804 ASCII "cS" 0018D020 00000023 0018D024 0018D2C0 UNICODE "01" Weapons s grade 0018D018 7CB40000 0018D01C 20510804 ASCII "cS" 0018D020 00000023 0018D024 0018D2C0 UNICODE "05"
  4. Whats hard? As far as i know client sends RequestBypassToServer with like "bbs_home" parameter, is that what u are askin for?
  5. By saying it works u mean u see the //cfg panel or it can target/attack but it kicks after minute?
  6. Well that was known for ages, for example u could jump to tio13 from toi1, bypass walls, doors that way and much other funny stuff
  7. And you are asking the biggest forum troll for it? Waow!
  8. Thats a scam. All stats related values are stored/count on server side. All you do is request an attack; server will recount the evasion and accuracy. You cant change char stats from client
  9. Why is this shit bumped everyday? Can someone lock that?
  10. Im not a charity; especially when i was gettin tons of spam in conjuction with the bypass.
  11. But look from my perspective. I have code it from zero. So i got working client module which sends XYZ. Now i have to somehow have all map vertices saved on server to know if someone is tryin to walk through wall. I have to check it and thats what im asking for - for the most optimal way to do it and i ws thinkin of geodata implementation in L2
  12. Client handles it well, i was rather worried about server side ;)
  13. Well thats not what i was asking for :D I know that client requests XYZ location but server has to analyze it, find obstacles or find out if someone tries to move through a wall and thats role of geodata. I rather wanted to know how server analyzes the obstacles, ramps etc to find a path for requesting client, how is geodata implemented internally
  14. Hello! its not really lineage question but im sure it fits best into that section. Im currently developing some simple lineage like mmo but i wonder how can i replicate the movement on server, how do geodata work in l2? I got obstacles in my map but right now server does not know the map and simply moves the character to the destination place with sraight line. SO thats question for someone who digged in geodata, how does it really work? How do server side confirm paths and keep the synchronization with all clients?
  15. New bot has been released and my antibot tricks and kicks it. No modifications were required - that proves im anti does its job. It also tricks newest adr :)
  16. Thanks for kind word. I installed the antibot on few servers, no issues occured, every licnt works fine :) Im offline for few days.
  17. Thats some next level shit right there. So i clear: Every antibot checks process names and dll names. In every FPS, MMO and many other game types there are blacklists of processes like Cheat Engine, ArtMoney and tons of others. The HWID is also grabbed in EVERY gameguard (yes every gg will take a fingerprint of the machine) Execute code? Do you think gameguards are magic tools? Lol dude it has to execute code to work. Every application on ur computer executes code.... "Privacy breaker" is my favourtie quote from your post. In 2015 someone says "privacy breaker" xD
  18. Well u can create it urself just within minutes - if u ask me if im goin to do it, then no :)
  19. Wow u recorded a 17 min farting video about progam which does not work since few days :D As the classic said "sad storki bro"
  20. Its like 15 lines of code ( not counting connection and gettin addresses from server )
  21. First of all its not a "method", that dlls simply disabled the gameguards because i previously analyzed them and i dont think im goin to do all stuff from zero, but its strange that anyone cant bypass it since it is not that complex for someone experienced
  22. The server is gone because i did not log in for half year. Well, thats unfortunate ^^
  23. I wonder why u reupload my program when its in other topic... Btw i wonder what would happen if i turned my server down xDDD
  24. Clickers not yet, but im working on it. It blocks every bot which digs internally like tower adrenaline l2net phx and others.
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