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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. I did not code c# but i prefer asm and c++ because they compile to machine code and every game is written in c++... :)
  2. well lenas tutorials are great for beginners. You have to get used to clean compiled code and go with small steps... i remember how o started i had to go through every tut like 5 times because i did not understand anything. If you are gettin headache from clean compiled code then tell me what do you see here Do you see whats goin on here? XD And to answer There are tons of ways to prevent dll injection. Do you know what exactly happens when you are loading the dll? Dont use getprocaddress. lameguard = insta ban, smartguard = insta ban. And virtualprotect on sg = ban also. How do i know that?
  3. Well you cannot modify l2.bin without unpacking but its not needed to unpack it. You are writing a bot, not some crack so packer means literally ntohing because u focus on runtime. By the way, what do you want to achieve in the end?
  4. And i know how to make it work ~~ tralalalala
  5. Does it work on smartguard? from what i've seen sg has the say protected in some funny way ~~ , just askin
  6. Clickery click, it takes 15 min. By the way where does l2net work still?
  7. Its not l2jguard bypass dude. It is for lameguard and i published it for free.
  8. No problem that someone reversed my dll. If i wanted people not do so i would make obfuscation + pack, but i just left it alone so people actually may see what do i patch AND THEN thnk "why he does patch this and why it works ?". It is much better than spoonfeeding random people :) And if u ask how it loads: its either LoadLibrary or import from the l2.bin i dont remember. But if u cant load the target in debugger then its irrelevant because u wont see it anyways Btw wow you got acc from 2006 :D
  9. Of course the protectors dont like debuggers :) It is complex stuff but the good fact is that every file packed with the same protector uses the same antidebug checks so they are widely known and documented, just look it up somewhere. Unpacking isnt easy tho, but there is no need to do so, just observer gameguard.des during runtime.
  10. Good to know. May the era of lameguard be endeed ^_^
  11. L2raze was using smartguard. My thing works still on eveyr sg server. I posted screenshot 3 days ago somewhere, u can look for it
  12. l2j guard takes 10 min to bypass. I actually created some kind of antibot which is used by few small servers, but i dont have time nor will to do anything more professional... :) Thanks for feedback tho
  13. ^_^ I forgot to turn it on second time and i got ban xD Did someone investigate which coponents smartguard uses for hwid?
  14. http://i.imgur.com/weDoda9.jpg Magic has been done ^_^
  15. What error do you get with adr bot? The reason may be cliext sniffs communication between the host and implant in process. The guilty is ReadFile and WriteFile hook. Unhook it and try again
  16. those small files are responsible for some protocol modifications (i dont know/didnt check what) so if u delete the dlls the client wil speak english and server chineese, thats why u are gettin error. I told you already to let all files run then simply suspend threads from several antibot dlls. Easy peasy
  17. You are back so soon? So u did not buy adrenalin in the end? XD And the links u provided are some crap. just look the the packet names, total garbage
  18. Did you see trailer of L2 10 years ago? Well if u did then u should know that every trailer is overedited...
  19. Just post question here i dont need any money from you. But if u DO NOT know any language at all then you simply wont create a program...
  20. Well u have to know how to program in any language. Then its just all about knowing the right structures and functions, but there is shitload of them and thats the hardest part to know what goes where and what gives u what :D
  21. Good to know. Do you want me to hug you? :(
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