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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Well but if u dont have tower loaded then sure, //cfg will be passed to server
  2. You are completly wrong. the //cfg command is NOT sent to server when tower is loaded. Tower hooks the function resonsible for sending the message from chat and filters the //cfg command. If he gets it it opens the interface and doesnt pass it to server.
  3. Well i downloaded averia and runnin tower is easy, but i am also gettin this error :) But it must be something easy for sure Edit: Voila! need to unhook 1 function and patch 2 other. Good luck ^_^ http://imgur.com/2DnCDsY
  4. Well im not givin my skype left right and center. Once i did it and i really regret :)
  5. Of course they blacklisted popular programs. But you can grab a compiler, documentation and create simple thread explorer yourself :) 50 lines of code. Possible? Definitely! http://imgur.com/VdqnEOg Now add privileges to prevent "access denied" on some processes and u got your thread explorer :D Actually i spent few minutes and made it open every process :) http://imgur.com/xs7KkCA SO basically now u gotta select process and suspend threads with entry inside several gameguard modules. Easy peasy Investors? XD
  6. But what for? Just drop me a pm
  7. No, it is really fuckin terrible. It is some very old "anti" from muonline game. It still check for things like "Mu autokill" "Mu speedhack", and all the "developer" did was, he added few names like tower or adr to it. All you have to do is suspend few threads... This is seriously piece of crap XD
  8. I think i can do it if u drop me few bucks... :) This antibot is so funny xD Is server up tho? The GS seems to be down?
  9. LOL kicks you when u open taskmgr? Players should boycott such shit xDD
  10. Hi :) Since lameguard is so ancient and many people prefer tower over other bots, i decided do upload the bypass for l2tower. This will also prevent you from getting banned. Happy botting ~~ Load the Bypass.dll with ur favourite inejctor at login or char selection screen and wait for the messagebox (up to 10 seconds usually). Then load tower into process, log in, voila! In newer tower u have to mess around with injection settings. http://imgur.com/ndDUj85 http://imgur.com/NVihCWL Let me know if it worked below, thanks! Link: http://www33.zippyshare.com/v/FBgYwDZ7/file.html And please dont pm me for other antibots, i may do some stuff when im free ^_^
  11. As far as i know it is some file in system. Servername-e.dat ?
  12. Sadly tower doesnt work on almost any private server
  13. Welp i wrote a big post and it did not send it somehow... So basically u are right with the jump idea, but u cannot unhook guard.des, it will detect it immidietly. You can try to disable the checking loop but without asm knowledge u wont do it, so what you need to do is to reproduce first 5 bytes, then add jump to the 6th and call function that way. I may make short video on it maybe
  14. I've never been using the detour/retour terminology :) You have to understand how hooking works and how do the "hooker" call real function. The algorithm is to copy instructions from the functions entry and overwrite them with a jump to your code, and create a jump back to real function using the copied instructions and adding a jump to it. If you manage to find or reproduce these instructions then you are set. It may sound very compilcated at start but u need to check it carefully. Do you use a debugger? Its million times easier with one
  15. The one which makes your clicker not work is most probably this: [6596] L2.exe!window.dll->?StaticWndProc@WWindow@@SGJPAUHWND__@@IIJ@Z || [0x1101C480] => guard.des [0x72FD382B] || Inline - Detour [5 Bytes] || push ebp || jmp 72FD3830h Did you try to preapre the stack + original entry instructions and call it? This would work almost for sure
  16. Hello guys ~~ I started developing an RTS game engine from scratch using c++11, did quite a lot in 3 days. I am here to ask some graphic guys is it hard to create some textures for ground, or meshes for buildings, units? Ofc im not goin to do it myself :) , just wondering how much time does a graphic designed spend on one object. If u are interested what do i have right now, basically a LOT of maths behind the drawing, projections, matrices and stuff :) There it is
  17. Why clicker? Just go for a bot. But if u really want to, the as far as i know L2 uses directinput which is resistant by nature of it to keybd_event or SendInput. Did you try inejcting messages directly to window procedure? This works in most cases. Dont use Hookshark program, write one yourself. The popular one has soem defects, doesnt show all hooks, especially cant scan ntdll where most of interesting stuff resides. And what do you mean by saying "That is pretty much everything I understand about api hook" ? You have to avoid any modifications when creating a cheat, more mods = higher detect ratio and you definitel dont want it. Hooking is terrible idea (look at l2tower which hooks like 20 functions, doesnt work anywhere). So right now reverse to the window creation, find the address of WndProc and try here. BTW Can you show screenshot with log from hookshark? Im interested how many did he find... :) Greetz
  18. Do you even realise what are you tryin to do? Im sure you do not
  19. L2jguard is really trashy... they are trying too hard and goin completly wrong direction. Took me 5 minutes (server aarom or smth like that) http://i.imgur.com/ETG3ZiF.jpg
  20. It really depends on the server settings. If its low rate then sure, go for nuker + managiver. If there is NPC buffer on the server, then go for maxin out crit dmg with destro/pal/sk, crit is the only one unlimited stat which can be boosted like 200x
  21. Is it the rigth section for it? Anyways gl
  22. Why do animal die when u chop its head?
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