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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. My popcorn is running low. Gonna deliver some more, anyone?
  2. Sadly all signs on the sky and earth show that noone wants to listen to your words.
  3. [big font] BUSTED And dont forget about Pythagoras, he was also a cool greek Kappa
  4. And it works on SG for some reason?
  5. Its this weird russian thing?
  6. The dream would be oldschool c4 but noone will ever make it real, because these times are simply gone
  7. Are you gettin paid for all those tips for random people? ; O
  8. Why would someone play SH? ON MAIN? xD or maybe u got rich box xD
  9. Well it cant work on SG because it uses other hwid generation algo than lame obviously
  10. From other choices, learn to do it yourself. Well, you gotta pay for things you cant make yourself sir, thats how is this world structured
  11. 4Head SO GO ON Kappa AND GET EleGiggle YOUR FREE SoBayed BUGATTIS MingLee
  12. 4Head if u find one on the internet 4Head
  13. And for me it looks like antibot. What about clean system?
  14. Well with smartguard u can inejct any dll when game starts before sg is loaded, so..
  15. No. This file works with lameguard servers. For some reason lameguard devs made additional (unused) dlls with name entry.dll and afaik l2ui.dll which could be just placed and loaded by lame. L2stars used lameguard for ages and thats why it auto loads.
  16. Nice u ripped my dll from 2 years ago and u did not even mention it. Even the text strings are the same ~~ I wonder who was holding it for so long tho, I remember i gave it to someone through skype, damn my memory :)
  17. Most probably bypasstoserver is wrong. It is not a name of the dialog, but it can be any value under the link.
  18. Well noone uses l2net so i dont think anyoneknows the answer. But in first place, did you validate the path and made sure the file is present at that location?
  19. My mind cant contain this "bug". How in the world server allows two same accounts in? Doesnt it make any check on gameserver select? Can anyone with l2j knoledge give reasonable answer?
  20. Thats right. There are no OOG bots because they are 100% based on packets. Simple protocol modification makes them unable to do anything
  21. Yes it is simple C :) The mineweeper is not complex internally, the only important things are 3 tables with revealed fields, mine fields and flag fields. Rest is just loopin through the revealed ones, if number is equal to surrounding unrevealed mines + flagged then flag surrounding fields, if flagged = number of the field then reveal fields, and thats basically it :)
  22. Well lineage is all about grinding. Take your time and grind ^_^
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