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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Do you imply i am a magician? I ask gods to send me the solution? It takes time and chance of success is not always that high. + the market does not need it, and there you go
  2. There is no such thing. If you start "balancing" formulas then the hole between items +3 and +15 will be even bigger
  3. fopen is for reading the files, not for executing.
  4. You spammed like 4 sections and sent me 15 or so PMs yesterday. Thats way too much. Sometimes you have to admit the failure and move on.
  5. Naa im not interested. Just would like to see something new on the scene ^_^
  6. "This person" used basic methods to find DLL entry point (observing DisableThreadLibraryCalls function which is called in the DllMain, not always but very often). Then he took step by step analysis of the code the dll executes, and everything was clear at that point Edit: Well but thats a rocket science ( i dont know, i just think that its hard looking at this person do it)
  7. And what OP, did u take any steps in creating new adrenaline? :)
  8. It is a disassembler (and debugger). It shows the assembly code of the exe/dll. I could say, "thats it".
  9. Get phx, and analyze how it works. From what i remember (few years ago) beside many noises it hooks "connect" function from "ws2_32.dll" which gives you the pattern to find it.
  10. Its weird. Lineage is written on unreal engine which is properly coded (and i think it doesnt leak) and so using their classes/deriving shouldnt leak too. I wonder where is the flaw
  11. higher chance fr better aug with phx? in your dreams I thought all people who think that phx is a god's gift to mere mortals are extinct
  12. First line gives you hint where to look for the exception (although i dont know java xD )
  13. They stopped supporting official server as far as i remember
  14. Im just here to ask, what "linux terminal" has to do with all that? xD
  15. You can see it is XML error... just read the beginning of the log. Copy it to google (not WHOLE but only 2-3 first nodes of the list) and u will find answer in no time
  16. Never thought i will crawl into spam section :) Wanted to vote for everyone who got those photoshop girls in avatar, sSadly didnt find the biggest troll aka guy above :D
  17. Can you connect when there is only 1 server running? Did u try to connec tto 2106 and 2107 separately?
  18. Or you directly call the window procedure of the game window with wm_key messages... :)
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