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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Go on and make new one ~~ And test it on SG. Share results ~~
  2. Its actually unbelievable that you all want to reinvent the wheel here xDD
  3. Hmm to me the data seems complete. Which packets are missing for example?
  4. There is static array of simple structs like const char* packet name, const char* format, and as far as i remember callback address And if u need detail info just use packets from phx data, they did it for you 10 years ago
  5. I rather meant creating something new and original, not using existing assets from Lineage :)
  6. As in topic. Isnt it supposed to read a char (1 byte) ? Edit and yes i know it returns &0xff
  7. You definitely wont bring old times of L2, stop dreaming....Many people tried to do it before you And to the main question, i had like 40 chars on DN... :) Good ol times
  8. Yes, everyone throwing everythin to use search button for you ^_^
  9. Didnt play for ages, but i think u had to have separate quest for that + your party had to lasthit
  10. Anyways, I wonder how easy for you it is to go from one language to another. Well every lang is similar and everything, but every got some nuances. Isnt it best to stick to the one you are best at?
  11. I think u can delete entry.dll entirely, adn then u can use adr
  12. Lol the "unbot.dll" is dll with 2007 year date, a backdoor connecting on remote process execution port (512) to some belarus server xDDD The server is not workin (the dll compiled in 2006) but why would osmeone put such file in a client Beside that its normal lameguard + entry.dll which hooks kernel32.ReadFile which disconnects the pipe of adr.
  13. Amen to that. Dont let rufags milk the eufags Kappa
  14. Adding to it the Blizzard's takedown of this legacy server, why the fuck people think they can just rip off their work? They created it, they invested the money and time to create entire client side + all art assets ( and server is maybe 10% of the whole ). You dont have fuckin right to steal someone's work. You just dont. And im not speakin defending any company, but i would be pissed on the same level if someone did it to me. It does not matter if its a legacy version, if its 10 years old. If you feel so strong, create your own game, do what LoL did to DotA - profit.
  15. Find function responsible for sending data, find function which sends AuthLogin and simply send data after its executed :) Or hire someone to do it for you xD
  16. Well, they created the game client and server side. Writing emulator and using their client is a theft without two words. If you can write entire server, just write own game - profit. On the other hand, the official server sucks ass, i wonder what will peeps invent to go through this clownfest and keep havin private s3rbid0rZ :) And by the way, "the Infringing Code no doubt was obtained by interrupting the encrypted communication that exists between the consumer-side and server-side of NCSOFT’s proprietary game code" What does it mean? They dont like the fact that someone reversed the protocol and created a server for that, and thats basically it?
  17. GOlden shovel dot gif Topic: No there is no such functionality.
  18. What server? I bet my ass its not smartguard :D
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