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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. There is some method called OutputDevive::Logf() or something like that which can be hooked (and messages displayed). Dont other debug modes beside that
  2. Fixed all win10 issues. Gonna make some vide on basic usage and get some bucks out of ur pockets ~~
  3. https://github.com/namlehong/ertheia/blob/master/gameserver/src/main/java/l2s/gameserver/network/l2/GamePacketHandler.java Thats first link i found on google i based by research on case CONNECTED: case AUTHED: case IN_GAME:
  4. The idea of abstarct factory is to skip IF or SWITCH CASE checks for current state. The switch case by opcodes for concrete factory is fine and the way to create concrete packet. Instead of having the enum with state abstract factory would be instantiated to concrete one with current state. And voila, if u receive a packet from game it will NOT get checked "am i in auth? am i in connected? " NO because the factory would be set. Thats enough thats for feedback :D
  5. Are you serious with this enum... You are thinkin completly oposite way than me xD Nevermind guys.
  6. No!! You instantiate the factory and the "guy who gets packet to pass to factory" passes it to ABSTARCT factory which is instantiated to CONCRETE instance of current state! Oh damn. Well it works on my server. I dont want you to redesign anything - jsut asked for opinion
  7. They say noone understands good programmers. And noone seems to understand me :) GamePacketHandler implements some abstract factory. And inside it has a switch based on cases lol. Every case should be another factory and the main GamePacketHandler should be set to factory of current state. Thats my point of view.
  8. Im afraid we dont understand eachother. But it happens sometimes :) And to Tryskell - i would like to completly get rid of the switch between 3 states. You can instantiate concrete factory instead of changing the state enum and then switch casing esecially when 99% packtes are ingame packets. Everytime a game packet comes it checks "hey maybe in im connected on authed state" ? NO.
  9. Hello. Been lookin inside l2j sources for inspiration for own project ( no i, dont write lineage emulator, just and abstract universal base i made my authserver on ) and i stumbled upon the GamePacketHandler.java Thats a decent factory pattern but the switch case CONNECTED AUTHED IN_GAME does not fit here. So whats my problem? You switch the client state and so the factory goes to right "subfactory under the case". Thats definitely should be an abstarct factory and instead of the switch case state you should instantiate a conrete factory for every state. What do you think about it? Greetz
  10. But honestly, i recently reinstalled windows for own need, and thought - lets try on clean system. i also got that error lol
  11. Akumu im getting "hacking tool detected" on every server with clean files xD Why is that?
  12. Ah thats what u mean. Lol i just made a bypass and a guy took it, didnt expect it to come back to me one day on russian forum tho xD
  13. The key is checked on my server....
  14. Im testing with friends
  15. Before i finish i will write a bit on usage. How to use: In one folder: Loader.exe is my loader, szaka.des is my secret file, key.txt contains your key Loader can register or start loading. Example usage Enter: 1 - confirm key and start the loader 2 - try to register key from key.txt Choice: > 2 Hurray! Registered new key! Enter: 1 - confirm key and start the loader 2 - try to register key from key.txt Choice: > 2 This key has already been registered Enter: 1 - confirm key and start the loader 2 - try to register key from key.txt Choice: > 1 Key is valid. Starting [0] scan for l2.bin l2.exe: 66 processes running [1] scan for l2.bin l2.exe: 66 processes running [2] scan for l2.bin l2.exe: 62 processes running Esay isnt it ^_^
  16. Made the server and the loader. Im polishing the loading process right now
  17. Launched my auth server - 1479 functions were compiled that day. Cant believe i coded it in 2 days :) Mm forgot about packet encryption ; O Strategy pattern, anyone?
  18. 5 years ago this forum was like a wine, better with age, now its a fuckin potato Wait is it a real cam of Tessa? ~~
  19. Botting with clicker is like walking with closed eyes
  20. Kappa what a surprise Back to implementing factory and packet builder U_U
  21. You gotta stop dem bots m8...
  22. L2 robot? isnt it just a clicker?
  23. Oh, im advertising only, przyjacielu ^_^
  24. Hello. Id like to present a cheap and functional bot. It works on smartguard, supports H5 and Interlude. I am finishing authentication right now, i can give few beta keys to trusted testers soon. Features: - Autotarget (intelligent) - Autoattack - Hunting polygon - Using skills (delay, mana, hp conditions) - Using items (also delay, mana, hp conditions) Goin to add spam functionality (chat, pms etc) Please keep topic clean i am open for suggestions. Price will be around 10e monthly. I put a lot of heart in updating and makin it invisible with every antibot updates.
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