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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Pretty sure there are better forums than L2 one to ask such question
  2. Everything is. I have never looked at it ( i dont even know what it is xD ) Didnt play GoD or later chronicles
  3. Lol i went into such coding spree that i almost created full brand new bot T_T
  4. There is no teleport hack in L2, what are you talkin about xD
  5. It is full hd but it was converting from twitch. Just wait few minutes after its uploaded
  6. Its not any kind of project :) Just few videos
  7. Well actually all you need is to learn "x86 calling conventions", and then get familiar with how the parameters are passed, stack frames, where are local variables stored etc. After enough examples u will easly understand the asm code
  8. Yes my friend who ww\atched this told me that im skipping a lot of details. Well i have to start somehow, maybe i will do better in the future :) Btw that was CLIEXT protected server and nothing was required to call the actions which means antibot is shitty xD
  9. Yes i will try to export the videos And work on my russian sounding accent + organise the video instead of goin 100% live xD
  10. Hello. So today i decided i will create some voice tutorials on creating bots (i have never ever created such thing before. Any feedback appreciated :D ) So basically i explain some basics on how to artifically call actions in L2. I also code live a small dll which does what i mentioned ~~ Greetz
  11. L2jguard is crappy, look in topics below..
  12. Pretty sure averia doesnt belog to lameguard section.
  13. Some people pmed me about details, so basically i dont have much free time recently but i got ready IL and H5 versions. They have been tested and several servers are using it. It succesfully blocks all known bots, including tower and adr, has reliable HWID (machine stamp) generation, and strong "inside" with tricks which make it hard to analyze and crack. I also offer huge variety of customizations, for example one person requested a mechanism to open paypal in browser on button click in donation manager :) The only downside is that you have to implement few things in java (server side) yourself, like packets encryption and protocol modifications (i do only client side). It all comes down to you imagination and my time (its worse with the second) If you have any questions, or want to try it on one server using my thing you can pm me :) Greetz
  14. Beacuse not every server uses lameguard. I'd even say you can count lameguard servers on fingers of one hand
  15. I dont know server side. You should ask in l2j section.
  16. Here, thats even more than you could ask for. By the way it shows how fuckin primitive the L2Jguard is and how naive are people buyin it. Enjoy http://www.twitch.tv/ka_f1/v/23074946
  17. Beacuse it is VERY VERY tiny :) Do you think a program has to be BIG to work? :) It has only 3,5 kilobytes. Well i could make it weight less than 1 kb if i wanted to xD
  18. So thats the reason. As far as i know you cannot modify the ip inside l2.ini. Lameguard has it hardcoded inside its files (and in your case it has hardcoded localhost). You could try to redirect it with hosts (blind guess)
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