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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. Adrenaline is workin on your antibot which is pretty shame :) But i wish you the best anyways!
  2. Hello everyone, i got few reuqests to try to make some antibot for l2off but im completly not into official platform, could someone guide me and tell if you have access to source to change protocol/encryption/add packets etc?
  3. its not cracking. Memory modification during runtime is completly legal, thats how bots work. I do not dump/modify files
  4. Most of servers are java nowdays so i made server module in java. If you want the antibot for off i think u can do the modifications yourself :) I could tell u what should u modify to synchronize with protected client
  5. im using .95 and it works on tales (im not playin l2 tho) Some people PMing me about l2mid, but i dont have one for that server but its not hard to writ eown bot so, go work :D
  6. Nice theory but no sir. Lameguard is just dead, and selling was takin too much of my time :) This has nothing with my own antibot
  7. I made it for h5 and interldue already.
  8. The version on ayami server is beta right, but it will block most of the bots anyways :) When next update is finished i will make video with features, im sure devs will love it!
  9. using lame.dll still checks the key on my server (i set it to like 2016 year), but u can patch manually using the info i provided in first post
  10. We are after first tests with several people - the fortress remains unaffected :D
  11. So many responses :D If ur using custom inejctor i think u have to put login.txt near dll because it reads key from that file
  12. Hello community! I'm goin to present you STAB - antibot created for java servers. I am experienced game reverse engineer, mostly known from Lineage2 and MU Online games. I know how bots work because i've been creating them for years, i've also analyzed and defeated numerous anticheats. My antibot is the only one defeating the latest cheats and bots, armed in many interesting tools (like admin can see processes running on user's computer if he suspects something), HWID bans, HWID lock and many many other. Visit my site http://stabguard.com for more info, do not hesitate to ask! I realised i still need to work on some details. The biggest problem right now is that literally every project s different and client side is okay but java is very messy, the class names etc... so it prolly will take few weeks more Greetz
  13. I may have a look into that someday. Do you have any basic info about that protection? Well those sites are unreadable, there is no patch on one and seconddoesnt load at all..
  14. There was issue with few versions happening to around 10% of ppl. Maybe try to inject on char screen or before login, im using tower .95
  15. Maybe someone will make use of it since lameguard dies a slow death and i dont really have time to distribute it. This works on cartel, tales and other lameguard servers. Run Szaka.exe as admin, paste the key: DA647DA9E6273E21FF2BC94E4E868 Click rescan processes and fix selected. You can inject tower then. Some notes, it will say "lameguard" on many servers because check is not very accurate, but if server IS lame then it will work 100%. The most common way to detect that it is lame is that process name is not l2.exe but l2.bin. And about HWID change, well do it yourself :D http://www51.zippyshare.com/v/MDskfC6x/file.html Somewhere below i put info about manual patch if u would like to make one urself Note: you need tower version .121 or lower Greetz
  16. Well, is it possible to create own package and insert there modified files and somehow tell the compiler to use my files instead of the original ones from project?
  17. Sorry guys but im c++ and asm coder :) I created the java server side because every language is similar, but i dont have knowledge on technical things in java, so i asked here
  18. Hello. I would like to hide parts of server .java files (like AuthLogin.java, L2PacketHandler.java) etc to prevent them from being read by devs. They are parts of my antibot, the server owner sends me few java files and i return them modified so they can work with protected client on user's computer. I've seen lameguard, they got only 1 .jar file. How to do such thing?
  19. Can you give me example server with that protection installed? Would love to play with that
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