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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. You cant hide IP in l2.ini, If you want to have clear ini then u must modify client not to read from ini but from external source. But anyways -netstat -n and all tricks are gone
  2. better run sws as a box and exp urself with some nuker. Sws with only basic buffs is not able to kill mobs efficiently alone after 75 so hit that lvl fast and look for party
  3. Are u fuckin retarded? Millions of gramatically identical posts by 1 post user. Wow seriously. Btw this server is made only for money so go n donate $$$. no appaK
  4. wow, i remeber you having 100 posts. Now that kid got 1,2k . Well spent time
  5. how the fuck peopel pay so much for lameguard. Its shit protection bypassable with few patches
  6. Hello. I'm using a source from SVN, compiled datapack, communityserver but cant compile last pack, "server". I'm gettin error [javac] my path\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\features\data\DestroyedTumors.java:18: error: cannot find symbol [javac] import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld; [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: class InstanceWorld [javac] location: class InstanceManager I'm nto a java coder so i have no idea whats wrong. Other errors also deal with this little thing, so i guess its easy to fix. Can someone help me via teamviewer or skype? Thanx in advance
  7. but can you give a link? Id like to see myself
  8. pm me link to server id like to have a look
  9. There is a client sided effect that NPCs are falling from some meshes and they are stable on sobe other... do you know hwo to fix it?
  10. interlude? Around 30% IL servers still have bug with login, you can log 2 same accounts at once, easy dupe then
  11. He is earning money and he does it legally. Noone forces u to play here and noone forces you to pay. I dont even know this guys but in my eyes he is just a wise guy who knwos how to get money from crying kiddos with only one life target - being top on some random server. Guy got brain and businessplan and you are just.. envious kids?
  12. you can get on the arena roof with bug and come back anytime
  13. is it possible to launch x10 beta for at least few hours? We would like to check some features
  14. Wow, oldschool rates and settings, didnt see such server for ages. Wish u the best
  15. its not possible. Its like trying to see someone's whole inventory - theres no way because server does not send such information. Client does not need hp/cp/mp to display a player. The only thing possible is to see enemy equipped items (and if they are foundation,pvp, belts shirts etc)
  16. Which server? I like playing with new antibots :)
  17. It is possible to write fully functional bot on every protection, but lame is definitely best antibot rigth now. Is it worth to pay the money? Blockin tower/net/walker etc isnt that hard, but if you are lazy, then why wouldnt u buy checked antibot
  18. All positive posts are made by 1-2 post users :) This cant work, do you think computers is magic? Server handles thousand players sending about 10 packets per second and someone thinks that they will make free augment Video or fake Kappa
  19. it was long time ago on servers w/o geodata, you could go there from ketra. Now there is some kind of invisible wall
  20. UP: heal talisman has very long reuse time and its not reused after fight, and heal active will give u nothing with zealot.
  21. Wait a moment, how did you regen back after prezealot? As far as i know the old trick i used doesnt work, and the life force talisman doesnt have reuse to be cast every battle, so how did you regen? Is it the 50 sec befre fight start regen or just maxed zealot +30?
  22. you want to use the bot without checking for update because it cannot connect and it closes? its possible because the bot still is on your computer
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