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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. did i read incorrectly or start is delayed by 2 hours?
  2. The link doesnt work!! U made a typo and many of us think that server doesnt work at all
  3. Are you going to increase buff duration or is it going so tay retail? Or the alt+b buffer will be removed?
  4. Server has ideal rates, presentation looks fine. Lets see whats inside :)
  5. u predict online from tea or coffee?
  6. Such party exp rate is too low especially for duo and 3 ppl parties. U get nothing when u go in 2...
  7. Mid rate verywhere. Why wont you try to setup a nice x12 without mana and buffers? Anyways, good luck Ye and the site.. "could be better"
  8. lol, "port to toi13 after death and hit baium" U know that no-geodata servers era has ended like 5 years ago? perfectly fits the post date :3
  9. using standard lameguard and telling hilarious jokes
  10. I cant pass from login to gameserver but played like hour ago without problems
  11. millions of ads, popups wtf site
  12. Server is down? ;x uff though i got banned for some reason :D
  13. every stun is op like shit. Dwarf holds you on perm, when one goes down then still 2 are up LOL. I made 150 pts with stunning char, also permstun almost anytime.... fix or gg after first oly day. Either spoiler will be olyfarmer :D
  14. this red warning makes me laugh. anyways gl with project ;]
  15. lol this shit is x3 exp, or x4 MAX. How the -beep- can i get 9% on lvl 16 with max vit? come on... 30 ppl in giran, 5 in kamael. Where is your 600 online? 7 hours from start and baium still up? Aha and there are only 5 clans. Serious gm O0
  16. Open any server presentation. Pages 1-5 - "wonderful server join!" Pgaes 20+ "FAIL S3RV1D0R NOOB" Classic
  17. Damn, joined and i see i played here 2 months ago :@@ preety old serv
  18. BloodBrother? What a coincidence i have screen with i beat him on oly and he creis im donator :D
  19. tell us more, the info isnt really informative. What can it do with those "clicks", works on lameguard?
  20. this is english section... to the topic, did the server start and were up even for few minutes?
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